I went to WalMart and as usual parked away from the crowd (no cars within three slots on either side). I returned 15 minutes later with basically the same car sparseness but found that someone had hit my drivers rear quarter-panel. I had a nice streak of white paint, a dent in the sheet metal and the plastic wrap around bumper was popped out of the attachment point. This COULD have happened by accident by someone turning too sharp when they backed out next to me but there was no likelihood anyone WOULD have parked next to me. I could work on the dent in the sheet metal if I could remove the trunk liner at the back (where the snap-out is). Has anyone had occasion to remove this and what is the trick? There is one screw that I can access but it doesn't do the trick. Pissed to say the least!!!!
I vote for an idiot driver or maybe an elderly/inattentive driver over anything intentional. But it still sucks...some one hit my rear quarter panel a few months ago in the doctor's lot at work...and, of course, left no note or anything. Cost me about $750 in repairs. http://priuschat.com/dev/forums/prius-main-forum/53713-somebody-hit-my-car.html
Any chance from the Walmart Security Camera? It will be slim from the far side spot, but not hurt to ask. You should file a Police report for hit-and-run and do a self-claim, it still sucks anyway.....sigh.
To be sure. The cameras are there for Wal Mart security. Not yours. They are there to catch people robbing Wal Mart. If you even can get them to allow you to look at the tapes it would be a miracle. My son worked at Wal Mart when a co-workers car was broken into. It was like pulling teeth to even let an employee see the tapes, and get a copy to take to the police. This was the time we found about what the cameras were for. They actually did catch the car, and the person who got out of it, smashed the side window, and stole the stereo on tape. You could barely tell the make of car he drove, very poor quality. The license plate was visible, but unreadable. So what about all these "computer" enhancements you see done on TV? For the most part, they are a myth. Most police departments do not have this equipment, and even if they did, they would not use it to find a petty thief.......... So much for justice.........
Most of the TV "computer enhancement" goes well beyond physical reality. Of course the police don't have the equipment to create Hollywood fiction.
If the pixels aren't there in the first place, they can't just magically make them. Park near other cars in future; if you park far away, those open spaces are the places that people drive through really fast to get around the parking lot. They aren't going to want to risk pissing off multiple people, so park near other cars.