Thanks to everyone on this group for all the great info. I sold my 2007 Prius and it is being picked up today. Now that I work from home, it just didn't make sense to have three vehicles for just my wife and me. She is keeping her 2008 Civic Hybrid, and I get the Pilot (need it to pull my motorcycle to the race track). I do have a Bentley Publishing Repair and Maintenance Manual (hardback) I will put on eBay unless someone here wants it. I will post it in the classifieds. Enjoy your cars guys. If I ever start commuting again, I see a 2010 Prius in my future Gary PS, those new Michelin X-Radials I put on a few weeks ago, make it ride like a dream!
Interesting that you chose to keep the civic hybrid over the Prius...any particular reason? I've not had a chance to drive the new civic hybrid.
If I had to keep one, it would be the Prius, but my wife is very small and likes the Civic, so it was her call. The Prius has more room for sure. I will say the Civic rides nice. It's like a little go-cart.
Some used car buyer will be very happy. Let us not say "farewell" but only "good bye". You may be back :_> "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know WHENNNN..."