Does anyone know if there is any difference in the number of teeth of the of Sun, Planetary, Ring gear between Gen-I and Gen-II, and ratios are any different? In other words, is the published Nomograph for the Gen-I accurate for the Gen-II...? Thanks
Yes, I believe the PSD to be the same. The Nomograph is different because MG1 for Gen-II (Iconic model) spins faster (to 10k rpm).
The PSD gear ratios are the same. But, the final gear ratios and tire sizes are different. You can see both nomograph at following site. Just click "THS" area to switch to "THSII". A simulation of Prius's Planetary Gear Ken@Japan
Thank you very much Ken, The link worked fine and is excellent. I just don't know what the color dots going up and down the lines (that look like a musical staff) are trying to convey! there any plan to have English version of some (J) documents available? With gratitude, Starky
I don't know the color dot functions neither. The best English document is found at following Graham's site told by Bob Wilson at Yahoo Prius_Technical_Stuff forum. In the left frame, click on "Understanding the Prius." Ken@Japan