I don't actually think that advanced desktop gives you any more than simple, it just presents the computer in a more familiar way so probably it's a good choice for now. To the chess. For sure you will have to add the repositories that hold the chess programme and the other bits from the debian sources. A problem with this is that the Xandros versions may well be older than current versions for libraries and stuff and by default Apt installs the newest version. The first thing to do is to sotp this happening so that the original files are preserved if they exist and that other files will only be installed if no Xandros version is available. This is called pinning the system and is done by creating or editing /etc/apt/preferences It needs to contain This is copied from forums.xandros.com :: View topic - How to keep a mixed system (pinning) I do not know for sure but the chess programme and bits should be in So those lines need adding to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. It is better to use apt from the command line now as you are given more information about what is happening so after editing your sources.list and preferences you need to update the lists that are stored on your computer with then you need to instlal your chess programme with This may not put an icon for the chess programme,, it may have to be run from the command line. If it all works then you can add your own icon later but for now just run knights in a command window As far as I can tell that should be it. Remember I dont have an eee here so this is just from reading and be careful. If it doesn't work then it shoudn't damage your system provided it is pinned This thread has soem relevant info and is probably worth a read. EeeUser ASUS Eee PC Forum / Extra Xandros Repositories If anyone sees a problem with that lot please point it out.
Daniel, Thanks for posting your observations on the Eee and Linux. I had thought about getting a netbook with Linux but didn't want the hassle of learning a new operating system. (I'm forced to use MS at work and have a Mac at home.) I'm familiar with MS products and like them when they work. The problem is that at least for me MS software is full of glitches and it programs crash with far too much regularity. That is fine at work where I have access to a team of IT guys that come and fix the problem. At home is another thing all together. I've always been able to fix the problem but I'm simply infuriated by products that don't work. I've not have a single program crash on my Macbook in the 18 months I've had it. It just works as advertised out of the box. I'm getting more familiar with the "Apple way" so I guess I'll be waiting for Apple to come out with a netbook.
Mjolinor: Okay, I created the /etc/apt/preferences file, and the /ect/apt/sources.list file, with the lines you gave. But when I ran apt-get update I get the following error: E: Type 'deb' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list JSH: I would not now recommend the Linux version of the Eee unless you are familiar with Linux or you want a very small computer and, like me, you hate Windows. I think a conventional Linux laptop or desktop would be a better place to learn Linux. Or if, like me, you just want a tiny computer that will do what the Eee does out of the box. (In my case, OpenOffice and Firefox.) There is a Windows version of the Eee. But I think that anyone who runs Windows is begging for malware. If 3 lbs is not too heavy and you don't mind the price, the Macbook Air would probably be a great choice. But at $250, the Linux Eee is a LOT cheaper, and with no optical drive or HD, it's a lot more rugged.
Formatting gets messed up when I post to PC. This is how the lines appear: (Best if you just look at the actual file.) deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ stable main non-free contrib deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/ stable/non-US main contrib non-free
I give up!!! I decided that maybe, since I had created the sources file in OpenOffice, and saved it in TXT format, maybe it wasn't entirely free of formatting garbage. So I did the file over again in vi, (which is a program I absolutely hate!!!) and this time I did not get the same error: What I got instead when I ran "sudo apt-get update" was a fleeting glimpse across my screen and off the top of the terminal of a long list of "failed" and "error" and "could not resolve." I decided to go ahead and run "sudo apt-get install knights" anyway, and got a bunch of "couldn't stat source package" and "no such file or directory". Please note Linux fans: With Mac OS X you go to a web site, download a file, double-click it, double-click the resulting "package" and it installs your program, which then runs when you tell it to. All this editing of sources files and updating of apt-get and then seeing a long list of errors fleeting across the terminal is not my idea of user-friendly.
You are not being fair in your comparisons. What you are trying to do is impossible in Windows and with a Mac, there is just no way to make it happen no matter what you know about those OS's As a fair comparison try to install Windows Solitaire on your Mac and see how far you get without emulating Windows. You are trying to install a piece of software that has never been intended for use with Xandros. Do not make the mistake of expecting "Linux" to cover all variants of that OS, that again is not right, they are different OS's. They share the same root but that is all. Because of the common root it is possible to make software from one distro run on another if you are prepared to do the work required but you seem to be expecting that Linux software is universal for all Linuxes, that is exactly like expecting all Mac software to run on Windows and vice versa. You need to be familiar with the command prompt to accomplish this. You should not be using Open Office for any of this it should all be done from the command prompt only. You do have a problem pasting directly the sources.list file as the software on this forum convert links. It is best if you copy the file off the eee as it is without trying to look at it, you can email it as an attachement. A doc file is no good as it will never show any obscure characters you have in the file.
Other folks have reported on the eee chat board that they got knights to work. So the software should run on Xandros. And in any case, I could not even get apt-get update to work. I did make the mistake at first of using OpenOffice (I thought saving it as a txt file would eliminate anything other than plain text) but then I did it in vi, typing directly into the editor without copy/paste, at which point apt-get did seem able to read it. I do know something of the command prompt. I started out in CP/M and then Dos, and even had Unix on my PC-AT (genuine AT&T Unix from Microport for the 80286). However, I do not know systems-level stuff or administrator stuff. All I'm saying is that Linux is not user-friendly. And as I'm learning, Xandros is even less so. Linspire actually makes it pretty easy to install software. But you are probably right that I'm asking too much of an OS that is really intended for computer techs. I will just be grateful that I have a two-pound computer that does not run Microsoft garbageware. Thanks for your help. I do appreciate the attempt to talk this non-tech through a complicated process.
This seems to suggest that you have created a new sources.list file. The two lines should have been added to the existing file. If you created a new one then all the original sources are lost and you will either have to restore the eee or get a copy from someone else. Tell me you didn't create new one, please? If you did create a new one then look in /etc/apt/ and see if there is a backup. Do this before you change anymore files. It is likely that OO created a backup that you can rename to sources.list and be back where you started.
There was no sources.list file. I did an ls on /etc/apt before I did anything else. Finding no sources.list, I created one. There was no preferences file either, so I created that. After posting my "I give up" post above, it occurred to me that I had made the preferences file with OO also, so I went back in and re-did it with vi. Then I ran apt-get update again. It seemed to like it better, so I ran synaptic again, and this time synaptic showed me a list of available programs, including knights. But when I selected knights, synaptic showed me a mile-long list of programs (including some I use) that would have to be deleted, and another long list of files that would have to be updated, in order for knights to be installed. I balked again at that. I renamed my sources.list and preferences files to "hide" them without losing them, just in case, ran apt-get again, and then synaptic. Synaptic now shows me its original list of available files, which does not inclide knights. So I think I'm back where I began. See, I'm not totally ignorant. I just don't know how to install a program. By the way, although there was no sources.list file, there is a directory called sources.list.d with no files in it.
OK, I need to read some more. Can you. Not using synaptic Rename the new files again Run Copy and paste the output here. If you can't copy and paste the output because it is too big then you can put the output into a file with And post the file out.txt here.
The -s option on apt-get means simulate, it won't make any changes to your system but will pretend to do it. I think we need to get the original repositories into the sources.list file but I do not know what they are.
Wowee kazowee!!! Take a look at these outputs. outt.txt is the output from the apt-get update and outtt.txt is the output from apt-get -s install knights. (There was an out.txt because my first try I had forgotten to plug in the ethernet cable and the eee was not connected to the internet. :frusty: Why in the blinking blank does it want to REMOVE OpenOffice and Amarok and all the rest of that stuff???
Mistake on my part Take that line out, it's not valid Can you rename the files to save them so the system is back as it was then run and post the nomod.txt file please. I think we should consider taking this to the eeeforum after this manouver. It's not exactly of interest on this forum
What I think may be happening is that Xandros has a set of repositories built in for use only if there is no sources.list file. If there is a sources.list then it doesn't use them. The pinning only tell the computer to use Xandros if available and there are no Xandros repositories available so we need to add the standard repositories to the sources.list file. This we can do if we have the output form a apt-get update after you run it without a sources.list file as they will be listed in the output.
I am certainly amenable to moving this to the eee chatboard. But for now: I ran apt-get update first without the sources.list and preferences files, and then with the files after deleting the line you said to delete. The outputs are in nomod.txt and yesmod.txt, but with this odd discrepancy: In the latter run, there was an error printed to the screen that was not printed to the file. I cannot copy from the terminal, so I copy by hand: W: There is no public key available for the following IDs: 4D270D06F42584E6 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems Note that after the first run, synaptic showed no programs available for download. Apparently there were no repositories. And yes, I am quite sure I did not delete a sources.list file in /apt/get. After the second run (with the restored files, but only the single remaining line in sources.list) knights and other programs are once again available, but as before, synaptic reports that a boatload of programs would be removed, etc., in order for knights to be installed. Previously, apt-get install reported the same, so I just used synaptic as an easier way to see that this was still the case.