It's getting warmer and it's probably time to have another Prius group meeting before it gets too hot outside. It's time we have something on the West side, and with EV Expo '09 at GCC I think that's the perfect opportunity! EV Expo is March 20 and 21 from 9am - 3pm. You can buy all kinds of EV bits and pieces if you are so inclined, or just come to visit with other hybrid and EV owners. See attached flyer. I'm thinking Saturday March 21 from ~9am - 12 would work well. The FIRST robotics competition is also March 21, and I planned on heading to catch that in the afternoon. If anyone else is interested.... :welcome:
'Great idea, SparkyAZ! I had planned to go to the EV Expo anyway. I will be there on Saturday, March 21st. I'll try to get there maybe between 10-1030AM. I hope to see some other Prius people there. The Expo is on the north side of Glendale Community College. The Electric Auto Association sets up on the southeast corner of the event. There usually is plenty of parking right across from the EAA group.
I may be able to do this as well - it's been a while since I've had a chance to get together w/ this group. Too bad June+ is so hot, I'd love to share the 2010 once I take delivery.
You have a 2010 coming in June ? That's great. I've been checking big2 and Tempe Toyota and haven't heard any firm dates they will have even one . They have 2009's still to sell and all sales have been slow. Let us know when the 2010 is in your hands.
May or June, whenever the priority pre-orders hit the shores. Most dealers don't know much about the car - Avondale Toyota had heard things about it, but nothing concrete. Sadly, those cars will also be subject to the allocation system.
I feel badly that the Prius meetup may not have worked very well for everyone this last weekend. I was at the EV Expo on Saturday, March 21st, from about 11:30AM until 12:30PM. I didn't recognize any other Prius owners but they very well could have been in the large crowd. It was a lot more crowded than I've ever seen it. There really wasn't a large empty area where we could have all gotten together. Also, it was a lot hotter than it should have been. Maybe we can try for a meetup somewhere in early April. I like the Pavillions but am open to another suggestions.