I have been having trouble finding a Prius without a big markup. I just found one at MSRP without the useless $699 "protection package" that is standard in the SE. However, it has $1499 17" wheels. Is this a decent option, or would the standard wheels be better? KB
Why buy a car with anything you don't want? Where do you live in the SE? Spend part of that $1,799 that you would have spent on expensive 17" wheels and go to VA where you can get immediate delivery with no expensive and uneeded "packs" and a discount off MSRP to boot. It worked for me.
Any particular VA dealership you would recommend? I have already checked extensively in 4 states and can't seem to find much. Kathleen
You need to get out of the states controlled by the SE or Gulf States distributors. My brother and I each bought our Prii, below MSRP, from Lewis P. at Haley Toyota in Roanoke. I got immediate delivery, my brother had to wait a week or so. Several weeks ago I remember a post in which someone said (unsubstantiated) they got $1,800 off MSRP at a dealer in Manassas (sp?) VA. Good luck.
You can buy from Darcars in Frederick, MD, $500 below MSRP with no port add-ons. My salesperson was Joe Taylor, he was the best!
One of the largest Prius dealers in VA and possibly the US is Miller Toyota in Manassas, VA. I got mine there at MSRP along and I see many others on the road here in the DC area with Miller License Tag frames. My salesman said Miller was the second largest Prius dealer in the country behind a dealer in CA. Miller's Phone no. is (703) 369-3040.