Due to a number of factors the prius that I purchased about 2 months ago is pretty much a base model prius ( No NAV, SKS, or security). I truely enjoy the car the only thing that I have notice that I would like to change is that when I lock the doors after exiting there is no audible alert to let me know that the doors have been locked. So I can either stand at the car and watch or just hope that the doors locked. Does anyone know of a way to enable the Prius to beep the horn like most other cars?
By default, it should have a beep along with the indicators flashing (once for lock, twice for unlock). There should be a way since I read that in the Camry manual. Unfortunately, I don't have the Prius manual in front of me to do search for you. If all else fails, you could always ask the dealer to enable it for you.
How are you locking the car? If you use the switch on the door armrest, then I think you will have no beeps as you have no options that would need feedback (No SKS, No Alarm). However, it should beep with wireless remote door lock. If you can get a cooperative dealer to activate the alarm using the DOP option in the THHT, then you may get your beeps with locking from the door then closing it.
Dan, Currently, I place the car in park, exit the car, turn and press the lock button on the remote. I just read the user manual and it mentions the flashing turn signals which I do see. but there is no mention of an audible beep which I would like to hear. I just wasn't sure if any of the forum members who had obtained the Service guides had any instructions on enabling\disabling this feature. I was hoping it would be similar to enabling\disabling the seat belt notification
WIRLS BUZZ OPER - (Buzzer answer–back of wireless) Possible settings: OFF.ON Default: ON Function that makes wireless buzzer sound for answer–back when transmitter lock/unlock switch is pressed. So, yes, it is supposed to answer back when you use the remote. You need the THHT to change the setting.
Oh wait. There is a separate list of wireless functions if you don't have SKS, and buzzer operation is one of the missing items. So NO, no buzzer for you! NEXT!
Yeah, I finally got a response back from Toyota stating the exact same thing. oh well, I still love my Prius
I did some poking around about it. The buzzer is under the fusebox under the hood. I haven't been able to actually see it, but I have listened for it, and looked in the wiring diagram for its location. Wiring diagram does not show it as only being there for SKS, and it connects to the body ECU. So, if it is there for non SKS packages, there's no reason it should not be used.