AS OF 17 HOURS, 43 MINUTES 17 SEC ZULU TIME... Prius Hybrid 316 (56%) Clean Burning Jetta Diesel 240 (43%) It's Prius coming around the turn in the lead..9 days to the finish!
omg look at this YouTube - Jetta TDI Vs Prius Hybrid Portland 2 Portland Green Test Drive Prius Test Wrap up
Thanks for the pointer. Good lord! I haven't bothered wasting my time watching their videos but boy, talk about idiotic, misinformed drivel!
That Jetta needs a lot of servicing doesn't it? They don't seem to have called at the Toyota dealers yet, the Prius hasn't needed work yet has it? I notice they like to record in the moving Prius, it's such a quiet place.
Sad for them isn't it? Vote here These guys secretly love the Prius, most of their in car videos are in the Prius. Must be tough to sell out like that.
Green Human does not refer to environmentalism. It refers to green as in grassroots. Or in this case, astroturf - fake grassroots. "Green Human The days when your stakeholders would simply wait around for the information they wanted are over. Your brand is that information, and they want to know about it now. With Green Human, they will. We don’t just drive traffic to your website. We drive stakeholder engagement of your brand wherever they may be in digital and traditional space. With Green Human, your information knows where it needs to be to connect. PR and Digital Strategies Viral, Blog, SEO, SEM, Interactive, Social Media, SMO, PPC, Public Relations, Traditional Outreach, Press Release" from Steenman Associates. Whois search for shows SteenmanAssociates as the registrant.
I have no idea what this means. Can anyone interpret this? I've voted a few times using different computers; my daughter is visiting this weekend so I'll borrow her laptop as well. Vote early, vote often...
Good find! Thanks! I notice there hasn't been a post since March 3 and this is March 8 ... hummmm. Bob Wilson
Also, if you have multiple users set up (under Windows XP for example) then you can vote separately under each user name.
Not that it truly matters much how the poll numbers look, but why on earth would anyone want an Audi sans prom dress and all the problems that they have on a regular basis versus a Toyota? While Audi/VW are nice cars...when they're running right, I don't think they should even be compared for overall ownership. The newer Audi/VWs practically live in the shop. Been down that road before, never again.
This also was my experience as owner of a 1999 VW New Beetle GLS. Several irritating problems, most notably the right rear plastic fender liner apparently came loose and the right rear tire grabbed the liner and expelled it out of the fender while my wife was driving at freeway speeds. She thought a bomb had gone off. Also, that car was a magnet for being hit by other cars, although a bright red color. So we sold it in 2002.