Hey there, I've been reading about the EV siwtch which dosen't work for my 1st Gen... So I got to thinking, if it drives without gas then what if you TAKE OUT THE EFI FUSE! So I did, it tried to start but coulden't, didn't go to ready but I though Wth and put it in Reverse, backed out of the driveway!!!! Put it into Drive and went for a cruse on BATTERY POWER! How cool eh? Now you could put a switch on this fuse and turn it off and on when you want. The real question is this bad for it? Can this Damage it? I know if you drain the HV batteries your sol, but for minimal use would this be all right????? I'm so excited!
..... Yea.... It's not happy. It starts and drives fine with the fuse back in but... How do you clear this out?
without a method to override excessive discharge of the traction battery, you would be better off playing russian roulette.
There is more to the EV mode than disabling the ICE. The computers are still in control protecting your investment. I would say that this is interesting but should not be repeated.
I'm not going to do it again, too worried. Interesting that it still worked though, good to know if the ICE dies somehow you can still drive it around the block.
It hardly be different than out of gas. Also you might be wasting battery power trying to start the ICE using MG1. I am sure you got a MIL, and tons of DTCs.