Several times in the past month after running a short errand the display reads "Not in park, move vehicle to flat place...." the car has always been on a flat area (parking lot). Previously I was able to get the car started but the last two times it was overnight before it would finally start. The car does not show it is in Park and all the lights come on but it won't start because of the Park issue. Help!
If you still have your original 12v. battery you probably need a new one. When the 12v. battery starts to go bad you get alot of strange happenings like this.
Confirm with a voltmeter, or with the selftest procedure given here by jdenenberg (no tools required): • View topic - how to put 12V battery in sleeping mode? But yeah, given the age and symptom this sure smells like a 12V battery near death. If it needs a jump *don't* do it unless you are certain of the procedure, and don't let anyone else do it unless they are legally obligated to repair any damage caused by mistakes they might make. If in doubt have a Toyota dealer send a truck. Doing it wrong can cause thousands of dollars of damage to the inverter or wiring harnesses.