It is only March - highest temperature has only been close to 70 - and I have dead bugs all over the front of my car. And let me tell you, black dead bugs show up on a bright white car. Please be assured I am not complaining. Why just last night I had to reassure my wife I loved her more than the new Prius. I've also never owned a white car before. Always dark green or black or blue. I've been using the HID headlamps during the day as daytime driving lights. Figure it is safer. Heck, they require them in Canada. Well these HID headlamps must be brighter than the sun 'cause they are drawing all kinds of bugs to kill themselves on my new bright white car. I had thought the Prius would attract less of this type of dirt because of its shape and the wind flow would push them up and over the car. Well I guess I'll be washing this car more often than others I have owned. And I'm really thankful I won't be driving down south this year when the love bugs are out. Bill Compton Northern VA
Isn't this one of those years when the 17-year cicadas come out in the East and Midwest? I remember them from my childhood in Maryland. Man, they covered everything. I think Northern Virginia would be their habitat, too.
Yes I hear they are coming this year. Never experienced them before. Seventeen years ago I was living in PA and they just were not bad that year. I do not even remember them. Neighbors tell me we'll being crunching their discarded shells everywhere we walk for two weeks. At least they don't bite. Bill Compton Northern VA
My wife drives a Volvo. We've compared the front of both our cars after the same trip and are shocked at how few bugs are on my Prius v. her Volvo. She's convinced I've found a way to drove around the bugs while I think she intentionally hits them.
Regarding the bug and front end issues; check out xpel and 3M who both make clear paint protection films. With the front end so pronounced, am very concerned that it will be not just a bug but rock, pebble, stone, rocksalt magnet.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! There won't be any bugs in Fargo for quite a while yet. Our nighttime temps are still below freezing.