It was just a thought. I have heard about a device that will let you use your front screen to display DVD movies made by Coastaletech called the lock pick 3. The following thread describes what you get for a cost o $299.00 USD "Is the content in CoastalEtech Lockpick 3 right" If anyone has bought this kit, let me know if it is worth the $299.00 USD price.
I can't see spending that kind of money to watch a movie on that screen. Why not simply use a notebook computer and send the output to your AUX input in the Prius? You'll get better sound than on the computer and better graphics than on the Prius MFD.
I have a kit that will let you do that. To order, just send cash to this anonymous post office box and your bridge, oops, I mean your kit will be set directly. Tom
Thanks for the suggestion! The lock pick 3 does a little more than just use your front screen for DVDs. It also lets you use your NAV while moving, but I still cannot see spending that much for these features.
My apologies for ignoring the other features of the lockpick! I was simply looking at the question of playing DVDs through it. I've just gone the other route as late-night entertainment for the children on long drives. (Of course in those cases I've just given them a line splitter and two headphones -- that way the two of us up front can have some time to talk!)
I happened to go the Lockpick route, works great. That being said watching that thing while in motion is completly frakking stupid!! I figure it would take about 10 minutes to get sucked into what was on the screen, and would rear end somebody!! I did it just to see if it works, it does, and then put the DVD player back in the house!!!
I got sort of curious about the Lock Pick 3 after I searched for a way to use the NAV while in motion and found Coastal's website. I agree the DVD up front could be very dangerous, and as they say "Curiosity killed the cat". I think I had impressing my friends in mind more than the the safety issues...I think I may want to pass on anymore driver distractions and forget this idea.
I agree that your set up is the best for watching DVDs in the car. A little extra talk time never hurt anybody, well most of the time anyway!!!
I'm waiting for live T.V. to come to DVD Navigation screens, probably via Sirius / XM. It would be just as risky as trying to watch a DVD while driving but would be nice to have the ability to watch the news or the weather channel while sitting in traffic. And I guess to each his / her own, but I don't really see much of a difference between watching a DVD, or a NAV screen or our instant mileage displays...
You're serious? I would say you could look at a NAV screen or mileage display the same way you would look at your rear-view and side-view mirrors. I suggest a movie or television show takes slightly more of your attention. If you think talking on a phone is dangerous while driving . . . well, perhaps you don't.
I thought that this was already illegal in the states, at least within view of the driver. Back seat should be fine.