Well I ordered about 6 things from Costal Tech for the prius about a month ago. I never got a confirmation email for the order or anything. I know some of the stuff takes time to build but am inpatient. How long didi you wait? Blue
Ordered 3 things on 4/5. Didn't receive a confirmation either. I sent an email to their support address on Sunday. I'll probably give them a couple days to respond before actually trying to call them. Glenn Edit: Forgot to say that I'm still waiting, even though it may be implied above
I ordered a few things about a month ago and have not received a confirmation either. Can someone reassure us? Thanks
Coastal Tech is notorious for not responding to their email. Try calling them and maybe, just maybe, they will actually answer the phone
Just called them about my order. They were waiting to ship everything togeather. I told her just to ship the parts as they come in. Can't wait for the EV MOD. Blue
A nice woman answered the phone. My order is waiting for the Auto Door Locks to come in before it ships. They expect them to come in at anytime. Seems like they had the EV Mode and Power Outlet Modification in stock, which are the other 2 items in my order. Glenn
I ordered four items from Coastal Tech on Sunday evening, namely the mudflaps, the nav enhancement kit, the ViewTech and the backup camera. In the order form there is a field to specify any shipping instrucions. Since on their site they said that the Nav enhancement and the ViewTech are preorders I didn't want to wait those to arrive first before shipping everything at once, although it may have saved me a few dollars in shipping, and since the backup camera won't work without the ViewTech I didn't want to sit on it until the ViewTech arrives, so I specified that I wanted them to send the mudflaps and the Nav enhancement kit whenever they are available, and to send the ViewTech and the backup camera together whenever the ViewTech is available. On Tuesday I received an email from them with a UPS tracking number, however in the email it did not specify which part was sent. Looking at my credit card statement online and seeing how much they charged against the card, I surmise that the mudflaps are on their way and they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow.