MJ: Unabashedly stolen from an article in "Northbay Biz" who lifted it from hybridcars.com... "Since the average price of a hybrid hovers around $2000 more than a comparable gas powered car, it comes as little surprise that the 'average' hybrid owner has a slightly higher income compared to the 'average' car buyer. But did you know hybrid owners are also: *More likely to be older than 45 (62%) than under 24 (2%) *Twice as likely to claim to go skiing, hiking or practice yoga *Consume more organic food, yogurt and decaffenated coffee than the general population *Politically, are more likely Democrats (38%) or Independents (24%) than Republicans (14%):rockon:
Well, I am older than 45. but I am a Republican. Income wise, I'm average, or below. I do not ski, hike, or do yoga. What is the point of decaffinated? Is steak organic? Maybe a rare yogurt...........but not fanatic about it.
Maybe because i'm Irish i don't count but, I'm under 45, Don't do skiing,hiking or yoga,but try to run 5km per day, No organic food,yogurt or DECAPITATED coffee, And in my business NO politics or religion and if anyone tries i just kick those fuppin fuppers out of my fuppin taxi....ROIGHT!!
I do OK as far as income, but.. Registered as a repub (but didn't vote for Bush or McCain) Well under 45 Don't ski, very rarely hike Don't eat much yogurt, never intentionally have had decaf... So, 1/5 correct.
If they counted owners outside the US things might look different. I only eat vegetarian animals, does that count for anything? I'm a fat lazy average income 47 year old, I should be driving a truck I guess. I also don't like watching sports but have a bit of a feel for the environment but wouldn't call myself green. I will vote for either party but mostly labor. Exercise is what I did at school in books, yoga, I like the strawberry flavoured ones. Literacy is a strong point for me,
All four apply in spades: Waaaay over 45 Teach yoga Locavore Registered Dem though they are way to conservative for my taste Wear Birkenstocks (they left that out).
Guess I'm the 2% under 24 I do go hiking occasionally when I'm not out kayaking on the Pacific or studying for school or work Eat whatever is available at the time, yogurt yes, and decaffinated coffee just isnt coffee. Registered Democrat
I may not be a typical hybrid owner, but I am a happy one... Income - maybe "slightly higher" than avg, but did not want pay for more than a pkg 2 Over 45 - oh yeah Ski & hike - yes (but would rather surf, kayak or play tennis); yoga - no Organic food, yogurt & decaf - no, no and no Registered Independent - vote my conscience, not my party
After lurking on the site for a month :spy:, I thought this would be as good a place for my first post as any. Definitely in the older group, don't hike/ski/bike (in spite of living in the Denver metro), non-coffee drinker, non-Republican. Love my Prius! :thumb:
New to this forum and new to Prius (my first week) but loving it. I don't know what average income is...but I get by. * Older than 45? Yes...I am 65...66 soon! *No skiing, hiking, or yoga...but serious tennis! *Not much organic anything but yes to yougurt and very little red meat. Not a drop of decaffenated coffee...contradiction in terms! * Registered Democrat and vote so...even if they lack spine! Reps scare me! Cheers
Exactly 45. Don't even 'claim' to ski, hike, or do yoga. Eat cheeseburgers and potato chips, and drink Coke (with caffeine). Not affiliated with a political party though I usually vote Libertarian.
I'm well over 45 I don't ski,hike or do yoga, own a small acreage & do enough work as it is. I'd rather sleep than do yoga. I don't eat much organic food, some yogurt & decaff is like drinking non-alcoholic beverages. Not too smart. I use 4 scoops of coffee for 1-2 cups. I'm not a democrat, republican or independent, we haven't had a good conservative statesman since 1994. Sometimes I refuse to participate in the US Gov't & their insane actions, including voting. I love my Prius, drives fine thank you. I enjoy driving it & the mpg is frosting on the cake. I don't smoke, drink or cuss. I did butcher a buffalo today, bison for you intellectuals. I'm Indian & it's just a plain old buffalo to me. Love to have sex at every opportunity. I wish my Prius came with sex every 1,000 miles or something like that. Hoka Hey!!!! For those of you that like your Prius, drive it & enjoy it. All others, including magazine editors, if you don't like it. Who cares? You're free to own any other vehicle you want.
I am older than 45.... Will hike if necessary (especially in a mall) Only buy organic if it is cheaper/same price (not often!) and don't drink coffee at all - will eat yogurt on occasion. Politically, I lean toward Republican but keep looking for those in touch with reality (may be a lost cause).
I bought it because my 4 times a month gas fill up total payment for my beloved 4Runner, was more than the Prius monthly car payment, including gas for the Prius. Not because of fruit and nuts and politics! And I got to keep the 4Runner. "You just can't haul a sheet of Plywood in a Prius"
*Just turned 25 *I go scuba diving... *I am a meat eater. Yum *I am politically ignorant. Also, I couldnt care less
3.5 out of 4 for me -- and 4 out of 4 for my wife -- I am tossing in both numbers because we have two Prii.