I am selling off my used EV Switch and Housing for a 2004 or 2005 Prius on eBay. $.99 to start. The auction ends 06-MAR-2009 at 3:34 p.m. PST. I'm now driving a 2008 Touring.
The programming is already in your car. The EV Switch is a way of activating the programming. There are volumes of info on the EV switch in the forums, just do a quick search.
No Prob, it's a valid question. In the 2004, there are two spots for buttons to the left of the steering wheel: http://www.calcars.org/images/felix-car-display2-full.jpg In the 2007 - 2009 there are three: http://lusciousgarage.com/images/uploads/EVmodebutton.gif The EV button looks like a car with the letters "EV" in it. You can see it in the second link. This button is standard in most places around the world but not in the US. So we have them imported. As they said above, the programming exists in the car already. It's just adding the button to activate the programming.
TO ALL - here's a question...........does the EV button work like the one on the 2010 model? for example, when i hit the EV mode, it works on the electric motor, but the minute i use too much acceleration, the EV mode kicks off and the ICE kicks in. is this the same? then, there's the question of the efficiency of the EV mode. does it drain the battery so much that later on, the ICE kicks in and does NOT stop running for an extended amount of time, taking away the disadvantage of using the EV mode in the beginning? if i've asked some obvious questions, bear with me. i just want to learn.
Does EV also cut off the Traction Control? Does EV mode also work to cut off the Traction Control? If it does, then it sounds like it would be good for those 04-05 owners who lose or have experienced the loss of all power while climbing a slippery incline due to the operation of the Traction Control.