I bought a 2009 with package 6 last Tuesday 2/24. loving it so far. Weird not having gauges, but I understand that to some owners these could be confusing due to the intermittent operation of the ICE. Most of all I want to thank you all for this site. I have learned a lot before my purchase here, and I know I will learn much more in the future. I never knew there were so many knowledgeable Prius owners!!
I try my best to call a spade a spade which has lead to language warnings when describing or addressing trolls.
Nortnarg, welcome. Time to buy a ScanGauge. It only cuts out if you forget to change the setting to "hybrid".
Thanks for all the warm welcomes. I am interested in the scan gauge, or will be at some time. What kind is recommended, and where is the best place to buy. I saw a pic of one here in the forums, but would like to see one installed in the car.