Here my screen capture (from the HD broadcast) of Sydney Bristow's (played by Jennifer Garner) Prius, as she and Marshall drive up to Marshall's house after returning from a mission.
God alone knows what modifications Marshall has put into that Prius. :lol: (If there isn't at least an EV switch, I'll eat my Scots fishing hat.)
Ahoy fellow Alias fan! Yes. Sydney has a Prius. It's actually been in a few episodes. There's even one episode where Jack is at the dinner table at Sloans house (yes, at Sloans house) and the topic of Hybrids comes up. He makes a mini-speach about the doom and gloom of oil gluttony and says that's why he thinks Hybrids are a good idea. 8) Yoda
cool!!! i knew Jennifer was HOT!@! but up until now i just couldnt put my finger on why she excels above any other hottie...
Many adjectives describing the Prius can be used for Sydney. A bit stealthy, more to her than meets the eye, unique, subtly exotic, etc. Imo. PS: I think I just realized what my Prius' name will be.
Hmmm - Sydney like the prius - I think you left out: - Highly Efficient - Gets the job done better than any in her class
I thought that was a Prius!!!! ...but I wasn't looking at the TV - I was picking up my living room when it was on and I looked up as she was driving away... I thought the body shape and the back windows looked familiar but then I thought I was being paranoid!
I guess she traded in her big old brown Land Cruiser, eh? Hopefully they don't wreck the Prius on some future episode!!