Question about incentives, right now in the midwest there is a $500 incentive that expires March 2nd. Any thoughts on whether or not this might get better or worse starting March 3rd? Dealer is telling me that according to the toyota rep, the $500 discount is going to be removed after March 2nd, but I'm not sold on the accuracy of that...
i have the same question about the march 2 incentive deadline. on the east coast, the toyota incentive is 750 for the prius. i am leaning towards waiting after march 2 because i think the inventory of 2009s is kind of high and i think the 2010 insight is supposed to come out in april. anybody have any thoughts or opinions about buying now vs later?
I have some insight as a sales professional that may help you. As everyone knows, Toyota or any manufacturer for that matter, wants to move their old inventory out prior to release of a new model. This works in the consumers favor but can also work against them. First, yes the rebates may get deeper as inventory dwindles down because they have to sell the old inventory. this saves the consumer money in the long run. The cost of this to the consumer is less flexibility when it comes to getting the vehicle you want. As inventory goes, it is not replaced, leaving you the consumer with some tough choices on what to compromise with. Yes rebates may get better but selection will assuredly get worse. My advice is this, in the grand scheme of things, does $500.00 of incentives really matter at the end of the day as opposed to having the car that you really want. $500.00 in terms of a 60 month loan equates to less than $10 per month. So if you like the car, are comfortable with the dealer, and are comfortable with the deal, make it and don't wait on it because the deal itself may not be there and neither may the car.
according to the rebate is only $1000 in california. it was up to $2000 and that ended presidents days. currently the rebate is $1500 in massachusetts and that ends today. but, it will be extended i am pretty sure. i will have to check tomorrow.
I believe the rebates & sales will continue as long as sales are weak. Other programs have come & gone & returned. They need something to bring traffic into the showroom.
On the Toyota site is says $1000 off. I don't know if that varies by region though. I wonder if dealers are selling at invoice minus the incentive yet.
Today's e-mail from Liberty Toyota is $1000. Don't know when it expires. They say they have 20 cars. Three years ago they may have had 1 or 2.
it depends on which region you are in. in chicago it is $500. but, in the state of michigan it is $1000.