Well it happened again. Errors but no Codes on April Fools Day I called Toyota (Fox) here in RI and told them this is the last time, fix it. I dropped it off that day. They called Tuesday and said it was the gas engine. The compression was way off (low) and causing a false error. So their going to rebuild the gas engine @ 69412 miles I asked who was paying. They would get back to me. An hour later they said they would pay for the whole thing and rental, because they should have caught it earlier. I told them it better be right or there getting the car back as a trade-in for the Highlander that I'm on the list for. April 19th and they still are working on it.
I just recently experience lag in the Prius. I pushed the button to the info screen and nothing happened so I started pushing the other buttons (volume, radio, AC, map, etc) to see if it was locked up and nothing happened. Then about 40 seconds later all the commands caught up. I was scared I was gonna get a blue screen of death or something telling me to reboot.
Yes, I get that lag once in a while, mostly on functions that the NAV ECU handles. :lol: BSOD Indeed! :lol:
On April 8th we went on a fun day trip to Yosemite. (I know . . .“fun†and “Yosemite†are redundant. :wink: ) About 100 miles outside the park, I was down to four squares of gas, so I decided to fill it with the lower priced - competition is a good thing - gas, prior to needing it in the park. The car never registered the fill-up! We also had a second problem where the Climate Control did some goofy things. The most glaring was the “Auto/AC†light on the dash stayed lit . . . even after we turned the entire climate control system off! The AC completely fixed itself in a few days, but the fuel gauge never did. So, with the last bar remaining, I took the car in for the dealer to have a look. The Prius Tech looked at the AC but found no problems . . . to be expected . . . and we laughed it off as computer gremlins . But the fuel gauge problem was a different story. They found a problem which required them to replace the fuel tank! And this is a 2005, not a 2004. They replaced the tank last Tuesday. W’sup with that???
Well so far so good on the rebuilt engine. I even getting better gas mileage! Let you know if anything else happens...... Just waiting for the Highlander.. already put $500 down to hold my spot. :mrgreen: