hey, I was under tge belief that my prius could accept up to 4 smart keys. I bought a used one with matching eic and model numbers. The dealer says they can't reprogram the used key as it was programmed for another prius and won't accept another one. On new keys can be used. Is this bs?
It's not bs. The dealer is telling you the truth. As an FYI, the fob is not programmed, the car is programmed to accept a new fob.
I bought two used FOB from eBay last January for 20 dollars each and I got them programmed to work with my car at Toyota for 52 dollars each. They works great. I have three FOBs now.
First, the fob is not programmed to the car. It's the other way around. Only a new smart key can be registered to work with the SKS. A used SKS fob can be set to work as a normal fob, which will allow the car to start when it is inserted into the slot, but it cannot be used as a fully functioning SKS fob. Tom