Ok...so this is a real shot in the dark here. First...the story... Recently...as in earlier today , we pulled into the driveway of my home after going shopping for a few items at a local mall. Upon turning into the driveway, we felt this sudden pop and what felt like the tire either ran over something or slipped into a hole or something. Upon parking, I got out to inspect the car. I didn't notice truly out of the ordinary from the side...but I walked around to the rear of the car and I noticed this piece just sitting on the ground... Is this something I should be concerned about? My family were about to leave for a long trip and the vehicle and I'm worried now...
It's always good to include something that gives some scale. Can you either re-photograph with a quarter or a ruler or something or tell us the exact dimensions? No idea from the view provided.
Ok...you got me...pretty dense of me to do that. In any case, follow this link to see a scan of the part that includes a ruler with it. Find it here...
Can you read and post any of the characters that are impressed into the material? I can't quite make them out in the photos.
Yes...and this just as I see them: an area that says, "<-- TAB A" another that says, "USE AS IS" and another that says, 'FOR 1 1/2"'
I do not recognize this rubber piece as a part from a Prius. I'd suggest going on your road trip, and not to worry.
Yeah...I'm likely just being paranoid. Hey the thing's still under warranty and I've got roadside assistance...but it aint' fun being broke down in the middle o' nowhere Texas with two under 5 year-old kiddos!
I have seen this before! This is available at Home Depot! Its for use in plumbing applications for attatching PVC Hoses together and sealing them against leaks! HAHAHA!!! Your Prius probably picked this up off the highway, and it just fell overnight. Its nothing. ENJOY YOUR TRIP! Take care! Matthew
I did not recognize it at first, then when I read the part of your post that said "TAB A" and "1 1/2" part, I laughed my head off. It could also be used to seal up a hose against a tank as well. But it would degrade if its anywhere near gasoline, so its nothing to do with your gas tank either. I agree if it was me, I would be scared too! But now you can go on your trip comfortably.
Just a guess, but maybe one of those rubber donuts that hold the exhaust system in place? If that's what it is it isn't a big deal, but should eventually be replaced.
obviously a gasket of sorts. standard fit that would be used on nearly everything that has wheels or something that turns. tough one here
Hmmmm. There *has* to be a story behind that comment Maybe I should post my photos of jay removing evil bloodsuckers from certain personal regions after naughty skinny dipping in a small isolate lake