Bad transmission, $8,500?!?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by kenworthey, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. kenworthey

    kenworthey New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    I bought a 2001 hybrid a little over a year ago. It had been driving fine, though for the last few months I'd been getting steadily lower gas mileage (down to about 38 mpg, when computed myself and not relying on the computer, which always overstates.)

    Then, a few days ago, I noticed a sort of howling noise, that would get loud, then fade out, then get loud again. I also thought I felt some power issues. And then, suddenly, the engine stopped, and the scary battery light went on.

    I gently drove it to a dealership (in downtown Chicago). $650 later, they fixed the battery issue that was the subject of the recall, drained and filled my coolant, machined my brake rotors which were supposedly rusty, replaced the engine belt which supposedly needed it, and did a ($240!) 75,000 check-up. (The car has about 76,500 miles on it.) They then pronounced it fine, and so I picked it up.

    On the way home, it was still howling, the engine overheated and I lost all power a quarter of a mile from my house. I turned on the heater to try to protect the engine and essentially coasted home. I then had it towed on a flat bed back to the dealership. The morons said, "Oh, it overheated because of an air pocket in the coolant." ??? I don't see how they could introduce an air pocket when they didn't flush, just drained and filled. I also asked them how an air pocket could cause the howling and the power issue (and why they hadn't addressed those issues the first time I brought it in.)

    Several hours later, I called them to ask for an update, and was told that the noise is coming from my transmission, and I need a new one, for $8,500.

    Now, these guys are morons, if not outright unethical (Grossinger Toyota and Scion, if you are interested). But I still might have a bad transmission despite their general incompetance.

    Does this sound like a transmission issue to you guys? Do transmissions on these cars really cost $8,500? And, please, please, is there anyone decent in Chicago who knows how to work on Priuses?

  2. gschoen

    gschoen Member

    May 9, 2004
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I have no idea what a "transmission" repair would cost for a Prius, but $8,500 sounds outrageous for a car that doesn't even have one! (at least not a conventional one). For $8,500 I'd expect them to replace half the powertrain! I doubt even a complicated, conventional auto trans would cost that much to replace, thou I don't know how much that is either, Prius is first "auto trans" car I've owned. Never heard of a transmission replacement costing over a few grand, and even that was for a major rebuild/replacement.

    The only thing I do know - I bought my car from Grossinger City Toyota on Wells (Old Town Area, I think) and was TOTALLY UNIMPRESSED! I posted in the Chicago local Forum about experiences with area dealers, Lincolnwood and Naperville got good responses, Lincolnwood isn't too hard to get to from North Side of Chicago, 94 & Touhy. I think they may be owned by Grossinger as well, but different dealerships can be radically different even with the same owner. I was planning on trying Metro Toyota on N. Broadway as well, but didn't get any feedback.

    Your issue sounds complicated enough it must be serviced by a dealer. Wish I could be more help.
  3. kenworthey

    kenworthey New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    This is the same dealership: they just moved from Wells. I actually live on the south side (Hyde Park). I'm really loathe to try another dealer. I uniformly have awful experiences with dealerships; these guys are par for the course. Would a Midas be a good idea? Someone who specializes in transmissions? (How do I even know it's a transmission? These guys are such unbelievable boneheads...)
  4. gschoen

    gschoen Member

    May 9, 2004
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    You could call a transmission place and ask them specifically, but the radically different nature of this car and the integration of the hybrid system with the "transmission" would make it difficult to work on without experience. It is completely unique and gears are fixed, torque adjustment is provided by the MGs. There is no shifting nor any type of gear ratio, no clutch or torque converter, etc. etc.

    The shop would have to be familiar with both the power split device and hybrid components (including ECU), for starters, since they are so integral to what would be the function of a transmission.
  5. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yes, it sounds possible. The car might be old enough to find one from a junkyard.

    These guys are very reputable; we used to buy from them when I worked at the dealership in Michigan.

    Another strategy would be to talk work with the dealership service manager to talk with the District Rep (A Toyota Employee) and ask him to pay for it out of goodwill. Be sure to tell him how much you love Toyotas, and do not imply that the price is a rip off but instead indicate that the cost is burdensome. If you act like you are owed a new transmission, he'll buy one for someone else.

    Be prepared to settle, like pay half the dealer cost of the transmission, he'll pick up the other half and the labor.

    This isn't uncommon with Toyota but it's not guaranteed. Oh, and don't tell him I told you; just be polite, and be patient.

    Personally, I'd get a used one.

  6. kenworthey

    kenworthey New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    Thanks for the replies. Nate, did you mean I should try to contact the district rep directly, or get the service manager to do so? The only person I've been in contact with at this dealership is the "assistant" service manager, but he seems to be in charge. And frankly, he seems pretty clueless and not very interested in the quality control slips that have occured here.

    Why might a transmission blow up like this? And he is diagnosing that I need a new one, just based on the sound as reported by me (and, under duress apparently, the technician.) Oughtn't I take it to a different dealership, at a minimum?
  7. gschoen

    gschoen Member

    May 9, 2004
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Nater, for that price, what would they be replacing? The transmission components I can think of are Power Split Device, MG1 & 2, reduction gears, and the ECU to control it. I thought there were more parts but can't think of them or find the great graphic that details the transmission.
  8. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    Kinda makes me wonder what the previous owner did to it.
  9. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid
    Before you get too deep in this. Have a VIN check done on this car for it's in service date. Being a 2001, I would think that the time interval has not expired yet. At 76,500 miles, the hybrid part of the powertrain should still be under the mileage limit for the warranty (80,000 miles) as well. The PSD is an intergal part of this hybrid powertrain, in the effect that without it, this system could not exist.

    It sounds to me like a stealership is trying to see what they can extort out of you, and likely double their money when they take the invoice you paid for, and charge again back to warranty after you leave.
  10. kenworthey

    kenworthey New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    The VIN check is a good idea. I talked to a diff. dealer, who said he'd never heard of a) a Prius overheating, B) a Prius having a bad transmission, and c) a bad transmission causing overheating. But he said all are theoretically possible. Anyway, he seemed like a straight shooter. I'll check the VIN with him.
  11. Bill60546

    Bill60546 Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    2004 Prius
    Another idea would be to have your car towed to another Toyota dealer for analysis and quote. Libertyville Toyota has an outstanding service group. For the $200 or so it will cost to tow it up there its a small % of the $8500. Just an idea.
  12. Devil's Advocate

    Mar 3, 2005
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    2005 Prius
    If you paper your file right they may have to replace the whole thing at their cost.
    1. they did the coolant change and a pretty major tune up. they then said that the overheating was caused by an air pocket in the coolant line. GET THAT IN WRITING, that is negligence and they are responsible for damages as a result. Then you just have to connect the overheating to the damaged tranny, which shouldn't be to difficult.
    2. try to get it covered under warranty.
    3. They may try and tell you that the problem was pre-existing: two things here, 1. they did a major tune-up and found nothing and/or didn't tell you of anything wrong, again negligence or worse fraud, get it all in writing; 2. they will also try and snow ball you by saying YOU told them about the noise so for sure it was pre-existing, well hey you are not a professional, it is there job to fix it, if they say that you told them there was a noise, get that in writing also, DO NOT remind them however if they don't mention your telling them, tit is not up to you to volunteer information to them at this point, you tried that once already and they boned it up.

    They should pay for the entire thing however you will probably need to have a lawyer friend of yours send them a letter eventual, but first exhaust all the dealership and corporate angles.
  13. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    did they actually check the tranny/PSD fluid level when the did the 75K service. Or do they even know where the level plug is in the PSD case. Are there any fluid leaks under the car. Howling in all the cases I've ever been involved with have turned out to be siezed bearings and they are now turning in the bore where the outer race seats. 85 hundered clams seems like a really high price, in my opinion.
  14. DanH

    DanH New Member

    Aug 17, 2004
    I too would say that's way over priced. If they are not flat out gouging you they could be shot gunning the whole hybrid section since it appears they have no clue of what they are doing.

    To give you an idea of what this PSD device is like, someone put up this pic in the gallery. This is the PSD for the 2004/2005 model, but I'm guessing it is similar to the 2001 model. Certainly doesn't look like an $8500 part to me... unless you work for the gov't. :lol:
  15. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    I wonder if the oil pump on the end of MG2 has failed. That would probably contribute to bearing failure in short order. Trouble with it is there is no port to pressure test it to see what pressure it's putting out. If there is oil in it and the pump is ok they should last almost for ever. Andrew Grant had 324,000km on his Classic taxi and never did the Diffy/PSD section.
  16. rookie

    rookie New Member

    Apr 13, 2005
    Frisco, TX
    If you really have to get it - here's a good place to look too:

    Its a database of nationwide car wrecking places that sell spare parts. Seems like a 01 tranny runs about $1600. Of course, once you get the part numbers for what you need - you can double-check.
  17. xevious

    xevious New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    Waaay back in the heady days of the classic, the handful of us that were then the Yahoo! Prius group bore witness to the tale of the "exploding" tranny. Short version is that a fellow here in Oregon had an early PSD failure due to a manufacturing defect. It was replaced by Toyota, of course, but the total absorbed cost was in the $8-10K range.

    That was 2000, and the Prius was barely known to the US. I would hate to think that the replacement cost hasn't changed in the last five years.

    If memory serves, the cost was fairly evenly divided between labor (amounts to the entire engine being taken out and disassembled) and the replacement of MG1 and MG2, which were destroyed when the PSD seized.

    That said, I think that you have received some really good advice in this thread. Don't get fleeced, and don't give up your Prius. Get Toyota to pay for it - I'm certain they aren't anxious to field inquiries regarding nearly five-figure transmissions from the public.

    Good luck, and let us know what happens.
  18. kenworthey

    kenworthey New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    I asked Grossinger's to put down in writing everything they had done, diagnosed, and told me. I will check a draft before letting them send it to me. They seem stunningly unconcerned about anything, and have never even suggested that an $8500 part on a 2001 car with 76000 miles is a tad excessive. But they may be in full CYA mode at this point.

    I have read several recommendations for Libertyville. I called Toyota on Western, and Steve there seemed straight up. But unless anyone can give me a direct review of Toyota on Western, I think I'll tow to Libertyville, depending on how my phone conversation goes with them. I'll be assessing how willing they'll be to go to bat for me with Toyota, Inc.

    My "lawyer friend" is myself--but I hope to hell it doesn't come to that. There's no better way to ruin your life than to get involved in litigation, even minor litigation. But I'll do it if I do determine that Grossinger messed up my Prius, and/or that my CVT was a faulty one from the get-go.
  19. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Maybe I missed it, but why is it that this would not be covered under your 80k mile hybrid power train warranty? Have you enquired as to that? The PSD is part of that least I assume it is, clearly it's not possible to seperate it from the hybrid chain.
  20. kenworthey

    kenworthey New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Chicago, IL
    It's a fair question, and one suggested by one other poster, as well. I talked to Junior at Libertyville, and he said that they would try to get it covered as under warranty, but that he didn't know if that was possible.

    It stinks because Libertyville is sixty miles from my home, and their service manager, Ben, is on vacation until Friday. I'd rather take it to a trustworthy place nearby, with a manager presently on duty, but have received no recommendations for either the Oak Lawn Toyota or Toyota on Western, and I can't risk taking it to another bad place... (I haven't received BAD information about those places... just no information at all.)

    I can't have it towed until tomorrow, sadly, and in the meantime during all of this, I am completely without a car. :(