Re: Black or White? Make a list............I am type "A" and ADD........... How are you familiar with where y'at?? That is strictly a New Orleans expression!! How's 'ya mama an 'em????........ Are you a "Yat" or a "Chalmatian"?????
Re: Black or White? Adopted Nawlins yat. Wunt evah fit ovah in chalmette or gaytaland. (How's the party?) Traveling: go it alone or more the merrier?
Re: Black or White? More the merrier Road trip: stop and see the sights, or rush to your destination.
Re: Black or White? Stop and see. The journey is its own reward. As the great Gary Larson advises us - take time to stop and eat the roses! iPhone: yea or nay?
Re: Black or White? jelly, but also like sliced bananas with pb - never tried butter with pb coffee - black or white?
Re: Black or White? coffee.....white......actually cafe' au lait made with Union Coffee and Chicory. Add coffee to heated half and half and you will have a wonderful thing!!! Iced tea..........sweetened or not??
Re: Black or White? Oh! So not sweetened. I have this argument all the time with one of my coworkers who was born in the south. Beer: lager or ale?
Re: Black or White? Pepper..............I use many more spices because I really watch the salt intake. Butter or margarine??
Re: Black or White? Debt free AND you can't take it with you. Travel: hop around or stay in one place?
How can it be travel if you stay in one place? Continuing the travel theme: Pampered or self-supported?
Re: Black or White? Are we talking about nappies or zimmer frames here Hyo? Or both? In like a lion or out like a lamb?