Hi All, Long time Forum surfer (anonymous), 1st time poster (now registered) - to rephrase a cliche. Had an accident today in my Prius. Not my fault, and no one injured. I did notice that when the other car impacted with me - they, from the LHS to the rear door and rear quarter panel - that my Prius beeped. Nothing like the Reversing (annoy-the-hell-out of-me, or passenger-has-no-seatbelt-and-getting-louder-now) beep. The accident was sorta slow motion to me. I could see from a way away that it was going to happen (speeding driver heading into a large roundabout that I was already in) and I did everything I could to avoid (hit brakes, mounted roundabout). They didn't even see me (not looking???) and slammed into the side of my car. Now, the beeping noise was like a cash register beep, except two tone, 3 notes, in a third. e-c-e (Ok I'm not pitch perfect, but you get the idea) in total about half a second. So what was it? Is it some sort of black box recorder or something? By the way, Australian Prius I-Tech, purchased Oct 2008. Interested to know what you think! Toolin Ohh and yes I did search the forums, but did not find anything relevant. Ohh part 2 - Moderators, please feel free to move this to a more appropriate thread if you think there is one. Ohh part 3 - not that it is consequential, but we drive on the other side of the road to the US. As do a number of countries. Thus the impact on the LHS (Left Hand Side).
Most likely stability control warning, check with Toyota Australia if you don't get a satisfactory answer here. Glad no one was hurt and I hope you have new for old or the repairs come out well. Oh, and welcome to the dark side.
VSC is my guess as well. Your heavy maneuvering to avoid the crash probably set off the stability control, or if not the maneuvering, the actual crash itself. Tom
Wow nice first post.... Maybe your screen name should be "Jynx " that would work!! Glad your OK, bummer on the car, see what the repair shop says. Hope it all works out!!! Let us know, and stop by often!!
I'm jumping on the Vehicle Stability Control as well. That was my first thought from the title of the thread and there was nothing that made me change my mind. In fact, I was thinking that if he hit you from the left, it probably pushed you - at least some - over to the right which registered to the car as a loss of traction. Sorry that this was the topic of your first post. All the more reason you should have posted earlier on a more positive note. Now you're "that guy who's first post was about his accident. You didn't mention personal injuries so I'm guessing that you are okay.
You would think that VSC could compensate for a simple side impact from another automobile. I guess Toyota didn't do a good job with the VSC on the Prius. Tom
I think you're right, Tom. But alas, they just didn't have the forethought. There should be some code in the programming: IF GRIP.TIRES = NONE AND TRUCK.LARGE = "STUCK TO THE SIDE OF THE PRIUS" ANDIF DRIVER = FREAKED THEN VSC == "FUGGETABOUTIT"
Well, many thanks for the well wishes and feedback! What a warm welcome - thank you. As for the VSC, I'm not sure whether I have seen that active yet or not - I assume it is different to traction control. I've seen the traction control in action, when I deliberately pushed acceleration way beyond limits, on a wet runndabout. Light on dash flashed, power instantly dropped, and traction regained control. By the way, it was on an empty street, with nothing to crash into if it didn't work - just an experiment I tried after I first got the car. I like to know how these things work in practice, before they happen in an emergency. There was no audible warning though. Maybe VSC has an audible warning and traction control doesn't? Well, after it gets fixed, I'll get it in for it's first service and have a chat to the workshop guys - see if they have any idea. Although, in these 'black box' days, I'm not convinced they will actually know. Watever I discover, I'll post back and let you all know! Thanks again for your kind responses!
VSC beeps(three times I believe) and flashes the traction control icon. The beep is how you can tell the difference between the two. Tom
I recently got into an accident on the freeway in my prius... I fell asleep and hit the guard rail on the right side of the road. All I remember about the accident was the sound of my car hitting the rail and then my prius beeping at me. I did swerve back on the road so I think that it was the stability control too!
wow what an old thread. But, I just thought of a great joke as a reply to Tony's post: They did, except they also forgot the semicolons/brackets/parenthesis. ------------ Also, I think someone should figure out how to hack/mod the beep into an "ALL HANDS BRACE FOR IMPACT" startrek-ish captain voice sound effect.