WHY was everybody saying the 2010 was a plug in hybrid????? I was so pumped up when I went to the Chicago auto show until I got to the Toyota section only to see that the 2010 prius was NOT A PLUG IN VERSION!!!! I've been reading HERE like many others who trust there info in being what they post here, only to be totally disappointed when the show hits the road.........,,, WHY.....WHY....?
Here? Sorry, but that doesn't add up. You must have stumbled across a small sampling that just happened to all be incorrect... because there's many posts discussing the plug not coming until later and only as an option and at first only available to a commercial test fleet. The 2010 is a platform designed with the intent to support a plug later, but not include it initially or as the base model. Didn't you find it odd that not a single photo shared of the 2010 showed a plug or that it only delivered 50 MPG? .
It is because Toyota has announced that they are starting fleet testing the plugin hybrid this year. Everybody assumed that it is the 2010 model. In fact the plugins they are testing are only modified 09 models.
Not sure who "everybody" is, but "2010" means the new platform available for the next 4 to 6 years... not just the model specifically available the second half of 2009. .
Only in pre Prius Connection Detroit speculation did anyone say they SUSPECTED or HOPED the 2010 would be a plug in hybrid. As cycledrum asked, please provide links to those posts claiming the 2010 is a plug-in that were posted after January 12. Prior to January 12 was only speculation.
I spend *way* too much time reading PriusChat, and I can tell you with certainty that your misinformation did not come from a consensus on PC. Your enthusiasm probably caused you to cherry pick from a few speculative postings placed here by people like yourself; ones who badly wanted the 2010 to be a plug in. There were no reliable postings stating that the 2010 would be a plug in, other than a few special units for fleet testing. Tom
I'm not aware of anyone confirming that the 2010 will have a plug-in option. I do recall that the next gen Prius *may* have a plug-in option but that has been repelled numerous times lately as Toyota made announcements on its plug-in hybrid testing based on the current generation Prius and that it will start leasing it in 2010.
Wow. Did you read ANY of the thousands of posts from the folks who saw the vehicle before the Chicago show? Did you read any of the threads had "plug-in" in the title? Bummer that you were disappointed, but I guarantee that everybody was NOT saying the car had a plug.
<AHEM>Step aside my friends. I can post with some authority to this user complaint: Our clever plan to trick you into attending the "Chicago auto show" clearly worked. The two principles of advertisement are: Obscure references to Prius and Plug-in Introduction of a new model Creation of auto show ... Uh, the three principles of advertisement are: Obscure references to Prius and Plug-in Introduction of a new model Creation of auto shows in major Cities So if you do not confess, next comes the comfy chair! <BUAHAHAHA!> Yours, everybody ps. www,youtube,com/watch?v=oMylfkSDKV0
Well, there you have it, I'm glad that everybody cleared that up. From what I recall, speculation about the model year 2010 potentially being a plug in was more rampant in the Spring of 2008. As more information leaked out, it was pretty clear that the MY 2010 would not be a plug in. In fact, any mention of it being a plug in was typcially from a new user to the site, trying to find out more information. To say "Everybody" is a gross overgeneralization, even back in the Spring of 2008.
What's curious is that the OP has 111 posts on PC since 8-06. It's not like he/she just came out of a cave and discovered the Prius. Reading Comp issue or internet forum level? [EDIT] Looking at the posting history of the 110 prior posts it probably is the cave scenario. The OP had a lot of posts up through March 08, one in the second half of 08 and then this one...after the trip to Chicago. There was a lot of speculation - only - last year about the Gen 3 being a plug in.