I bought the 07 classic silver metallic in January. I love the car, but I have found myself drooling over the new red! I just had to go practical! My next prius will be a real color - now lets just wait and see what they have in 8 years!
Just my 2 cents… I've always been reluctant to choose colors which closely match the road surface color like silver or gray. I feel these colors are more difficult to see on the roads for the average driver, assuming they are paying attention which I’m not always convinced they are.:lalala: I suspect that most drivers on the road apply less than 20% of their available mental skills to traffic conditions so I’ve tended to make my car colors choices away from silver or gray and have generally leaned towards more vibrant ones. As an added precaution, I’ve also made a habit of leaving the headlights on too.
I originally wanted Seaside Pearl but settled for silver and was very happy with it when I saw it. Living in the desert, white and silver are the most sensible colors anyway.layball:
I have said this before elsewhere: Super White ablative surfacing is standard Starfleet issue since the Enterprise refit. End of conversation.
I picked super white and am very happy with it. I really like the look, white is great for staying cooler during the Florida summers, and I read about a study by Mercedes Benz that white is the most visible / safest color. White may not so visible/safe in the snow so I had better stay in Florida.
1st choice- Spectra Blue 2nd choice- Silver Pine Mica 3rd choice- Super White Got my 3rd choice because both of the above were rare at the time I bought.
My colors, in order of preference were: Green Red Black Option package 2 I turned down an available Magnetic Grey, he really tried to push on me. But it was a package 3 and he would not budge on the price. a week later a package 2 black car came in. Jumped on it and am quite happy. Nothing personal to the grey and silver car owners. But it seems to me, greys and silvers are so popular they all blend together in a parking lot. Kind of non-descript. The green seems rare. And lately so does red or black.
It's also easier to see in space for emergency visual docking procedures. As you note, lack of absorption of high energy weapon beams limits combat damage if shields are down. However, research indicates the paint spectrum must be matched to the frequency of the weapon beam for maximum effectiveness. Besides, it looks purdy! :laser:
Can I vote twice since I've had two Magnetic Grey Metalics? I love the Grey! I loved it so much that our 2nd is exactly like our first Pri that was totaled. Me and hubby had discussed getting a Spectra Blue or a Red but decided that we still loved the Grey the best. It just got a wash the other day and I forgot how sparkly it is in the sun, it's gorgeous!
Silver metalic reflects solar radiation, looks great and suits the space ship on the ground. If/when I get a G3 I'd like the pearl white, I love the luxury look of it.
Mine is blue, it was the only used car available on the lot and I had no other choice. It's a 2004 blue Prius. My favorite color is purple and if there's one available, I would picked that instead.
magnetic grey 07. love it. edit: haha i didn't read the last posts before i posted. 3 mag grey's in a row.
Magnetic Gray and I love it. It doesn't show the dirt that much (it rains a lot here) and it is just a very cool color.
I would have preferred silver, but was told the wait would be 6 weeks for delivery, so I took the silver pine metallic, which I have grown to love ... it is so subtle! Sorry to hear it has been dropped on the 2010 model. But scarcity value may help when I go to sell my 2008!