An international member is looking for a way to modify his Prius for plug-in. He has posted several times on an obscure thread, so I am starting a new one for him. He would like to do a Hymotion conversion or something like that, but he needs something available in his area. The original post follows. Let's see if we can help him. Tom
Plug In Modificartions in Europe Dear International Members!!!!!! My name is Theodore....and I am trying to find a plug in modification in Athens-GREECE for my the Hymotion sent me an email and they told me that they have not sent plug in module in the future they intend to find a representative for them in Europe....So, I found a company in UK.....who deal with this plug in modification. I sent to them an email in the previous week but I have not received any answer until now.... What can I do?????? Thank you!
Hi Theodore, If you're an electrical engineer can I suggest you did what I did and do your own conversion? The company in the UK who do conversions (Amberjac) are very over priced and a bit snooty. They didn't answer my emails either... I am in the finishing stages of doing my PHEV conversion, using two additional Prius battery packs. If you're willing to spend the extra money you should get a really fantastic PHEV pack using a third-party NiMH pack set at 201V. Alternitaely why not contact someone in America and have a kit shipped over for either a DIY lead acid or lithium Ion pack? I'm not an electrical engineer - I'm an oboist by profession and my only real knowledge of electrics has been gleamed from years of hobbyist activities with electric cars and DIY. (Oh, and I did physics at school). It sounds as if you're more qualified to do a DIY conversion than I was so why not jump in and plan your own? I am more than happy to answer any questions you have! Regards, Nikki.
Have you asked about at the NTUA (National Technical University of Athens) I do know a few people there with hybrids and I thought someone mentioned that they were working on something to do with plug-ins for the Prius. That may just be my faulty memory. If you don't know any people there then I can probably find out. If you can buy one in the States then I have a friend who would ship it but from experience this would not be an option. Most of it is straightforward but the clearing customs at this end costs an absolute fortune because Greece does not adhere to the EU rules and you will end up paying several thousand Euro just to get your hands on it once it is here, that would be on top of the normal US - EU duties. I have been bitten by that particular bug a few times. If buying one in the UK is an option then I can get the wife to ship it on from my home and, in fact, US - UK - Greece is a much better cheaper option than US - Greece. All of this assumes you are planning fitting your own conversion, if you are planning to have a Greek garage do it then God help you
Dear Sir! Thank you very much for your reply! I would like to ask you, where can I buy the third-party NiMH pack set at 201V??? I do not have any problem to perform the modification alone.........I am an expert in this I I am an electronic engineer in airplanes!!!!! Your suggestion is to add another two prius battery packs in my prius in parallel so to increase three times more the Ah???? Do you have any option where to buy them in a good price??? I am looking forward to hear your interesting news.......... Theo
Actually, Theodore, I'm a girl, but that's okay! The best place to look for additional batteries is to find local scrap yards who have a Prius or two which has been written off by the insurers. My two additional batteries came from a flood damaged Prius and a fire-damaged prius. In both cases the batteries were okay! I paid around £230 GB per battery. I then used the hybridinterface's BMS+ kit ( which was integrated into the car's CanBus. All seems to be working just great a few days later and It certainly saved me a lot of money. You may want to research online and find alternative NiMH packs (I would suggest looking into the EV scene as many EV enthusiasts use high capacity batteries in their conversions/vehicles.) - You may want to use a bigger AH pack than I have. How many miles do you need/want to do in EV mode? How many miles do you travel in an average trip? Or KM, if you prefer!? All the best, Nikki.
Dear Nikki! I don't like to use batteries from a scrap or other type of used prius. Also, I live in Athens - Greece and I am sure that I do not have the opportunity to find one..... The website, does not work and Also it is in the USA in California if I am correct! I have already denied that I am interested in European sites as I have found many sites from USA but no one send plug in modification in Europe until now! So, I believe my last chance is to write in the EV threat! Thank you!
Sorry Theo, CAN-view index I can't spell! You could always source a third-party NiMH pack - or alternatively go with the calcars method and use lead acid batteries. Can I suggest you join the EAA-PHEV list? There are details on this website: Main Page - EAA-PHEV Are lead acid batteries too heavy (or too old tech) for your conversion? You could of course also try lithium, such as Thundersky LiIon, or possibly the Lifebatt. For other DIY supplies, try contacting Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHEV . I wonder if the owner, Steve, would be willing to send you a kit to Athens? You could buy everything except the charger and batteries - and source them locally. Don't give up! Nikki.