Funny, I got a wave today when passing another Tideland in North Phoenix today on 7th Ave. Don't get too many, but they do happen.
I live in a rural area with several small towns of around 5,000 butting up against one another, and I think there are maybe four Prii, counting mine, around: a white one, a silver one, a classic, and my gold one (I can't remember the fancy name for the color at the moment). I see the white one a few times a week on the same road, usually when I am going to or coming back from lunch, but I've never seen a wave.
I can remember (barely!) as a child driving with my Mom or Dad in the early 60's. They drove a Porsche and it was commom for other Porsche drivers to either wave or flash their lights at each other. There were not very many Porsches on the road back then. It was very cool and one felt special to part of the Porsche community. Now that I drive a Prius, I go out of my way to wave to other Pri owners. I love it when Pri owners wave to each other. I always wave, but I only get about a 50% response. The wave connection between Pri owners is great and I wish more people would join in. If you see someone in a Silver '04 in SoCal waving like a maniac, it is probably me!
Hmmm, a thread with two separate topics going at the same time... interesting! I think the "What do you call more than one Prius?" debate should get its own thread AND a poll. BTW, I vote Prii. Definitely, Prii.
Well, I'm going to update what I had shared earlier about lack of Prius waves. I was out in the middle of nowhere on a 2-lane country road in Washington wheat/wine/apple country and saw a seaside Prius coming my way. I intentionally waved, and they did also. What is most remarkable is that we were both in the middle of nowhere.
oh btw, in my mussings and fussings i think i accidentally insulted our group. i think that folks from this forum and the other real good prius forum are exceptions to the rule in that we ARE aware of other prii and do wave if we get the chance. i went to ill again the other day on the interstate i spotted 2 different prii. the first was concentrating on not being a ware of his surroundings although i flashed my lights at him several times. the other one ( black like mine) actually looked in my direction and i could feel that she was telling her friends that i was there. i think she waved too but we passed too fast) hmmmm maybe its only the prius folks who 1) are not from this forum or 2) dont have black prii that are not waving. hmmmmmmmmm.... 8)