I'm so proud to live in the methamphetamine capital of the USA, having once lived in the Marijuana capital (Alaska). Missouri has 20% of all meth lab incidents reported | KY3 | Local Nearly 20% of all meth lab incidents in the United States happen in Missouri. That's according to a new report by the El-Paso intelligence Center. According documents, Jefferson County is the meth capitol of the state. The Jefferson County sheriff's department has busted about 200 labs last year alone. Jefferson County is popular for meth cooks because of its rural location.
i'd be proud too. nothing like idiots trying to do dangerous chemistry in their garages, blowing things up, killing themselves, not to mention shipping out some pretty intense drugs to engender some real state pride...
You might be #1, but there are still plenty of tweakers out in our part of the country. I believe that meth is the worst of all drugs - nasty and hazardous to make - highly addictive and permanently damaging to the users.
Not to make fun of a very serious problem....but here goes. This just shows that here in Missouri we have STUPID meth lab people (they got caught). Not the most meth labs!
Dang, and here I thought Arizona was the capitol. Guess the scary commercials that I had to watch while going to school out there worked. Here's one: