My 07 was involved in front end collision that took out the headlight,radiator and cond.,one elec. water pump a few elec. plugs and air bag. Since being put back together,when turned on every thing electrical (wipers,windows,ect.) work but the READY light on dash doesn't come on and it will not go into drive or start. It does go into neutral . All electrical connections under the hood are correct ,and batteries have good power, although they were disconnected while being fixed. Looking for help and answers , thanks.
hey i have the same problem my car goes to neutral but not ready... when a technician connect it to a toyota device he told me it was the ecm or the hybrid control.... have u figured what your problem is yet?
When you try and charge a battery you can put the car in neutral without being in ready mode. If you run the battery down when it is on a non-level position the car will ask you to get to a level spot before it will start. This is with a dead 12v. Seen it.
there are electrical connectors located on the electric motor behind the radiator at the bottom where the main harness wires connect to, most of these on a lot of cars get crushed during collision, and need to be replaced. I suggest you check there, and grounding issues.
I had to replace that connector and the intermediate connector on my '08 salvage car. Was the inverter removed during the repair?
You might contact these folks: autobeyours salvage and rebuildable cars 287 north Gardner St. Scottsburg Indiana 47170 Bob Wilson
I have seen this several times when a car was repiared by a body shop,almost always its because the high volt service plug (orange plug) behind the rear seat was either left out or installed but not locked.
Can anybody tell me what was the resolution to start after accident. I have exactly same problem. Can't start, can't switch from neutral...
I found out what the problem was. The big orange fuse on the big battery was not installed correctly. To install it correctly, the lever is pushed down and then slid down. It's a two part lever. The lever is first pushed down at an angle then that entire lever is slid down about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Once I did that, it worked perfectly. On my previous attempts to install the fuse I was just pushing the lever down ( 1st step ) only. Thanks for all your replies.DRREL.