NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 04, 2008, 21:20 HRS. (LOCAL) A young woman was driving at 40-45 mph along Lake Cook Road, when her car suddenly lurched to the right for no reason that was apparent to her. There were no cars within sight on the road, and she had not seen any pedestrian or animal near the car. She stopped her car immediately, got out, and apparently was flabbergasted by the appearance of the left side of her automobile. The investigating police officer could not provide an adequate explanation for the damage. He noted that there was no damaged paint, and no animal hair, feathers, or blood, evident on the damaged area of the car.
Strong wind! Don't drive Mitsubishi. Who wants to complain about the Prius wandering a little in a cross wind?
OK Boys and Girls, its Science time, Go to your refrigerator and grab a beer, any kind will do. Now drink the beer. Well you have to empty the can for the next part of the experiment anyway, so you might as well enjoy it. OK now that the can is empty, place mouth around the opening, suck the air out of the can. Oh look, it looks just like the car in the post. That means either her car is made out of beer can sheet metal, or, she sideswiped a Black Hole!!!!
During her drive, she clearly departed Lake Cook Road and bumped into the twilight zone. Sorry, KK6PD I don't agree with your differential air pressure theory. If something like that would have happened, I think that the depressions in the metal would be more uniform. Also, if the pressure differential would have been strong enough to produce that amount of metallic deformation, then the side windows would have been blown in. Keith
Hi All, Like I have said, we get very gusty conditions here in Chicagoland. I think she got hit by a micro-burst downdraft.
Somehow I can see in another year or so, the driver will show up at an emergency room complaining of abdominal pains that are cured after a birth. She'll then claim,"I didn't know I was pregnant." Sad to say but this is not an urban legend nor it is typical. There are a small number of people, male and female, who can't or won't take responsibility for their own actions. It happens. Bob Wilson ps. Thanks to the moderators who moved this thread to the right area. I wasn't about to touch it where it was first started ... no Prius content.
I saw a picture in the local paper once that described a guy who was sitting at a red light in his pickup. A large truck pulled up next to him. Suddenly there was a huge bang. Turned out one of the trucks' tires burst next to his pickup. The impact of the shockwave caused similar damage to his vehicle.
I'm a bit skeptical about this. I tried googling to find a link to an article and all I could find as a primary source was a report from the "National UFO Reporting Center". Here it is for what it's worth (scroll down to about the middle of the page): National UFO Reporting Center
Yeah, one of those new Centaurian craft with their nitrogen-ion drives must have lost navigational control. Obviously, it was cloaked, which explains why she didn't see it.
Google also has hits at a Randi Roades Message Board. I suspect we're seeing another troll wandering about and dropping this nonsense about the net. Time to move on, nothing here but foil hat crowd. Bob Wilson
Google also has hits at a Randi Roades Message Board. I suspect we're seeing another troll wandering about and dropping this nonsense about the net. Time to move on, nothing here but foil hat crowd. Wait, wait, wait .... That was the Presidential Election Day and about the time Obama sealed the election! Yes, YES! Obama did it. <grins>:focus: She obviously was parked somewhere and when the news about Obama came in, she went into a trance and threw herself bodily at the car. Like Colbert, "NNNOOOOOO!!!! NNNNOOOOOO!!!!! NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" In a rage, she struck out at the nearest object that happened to be her car. Bob Wilson
The only thing that surprised me was that 1 - Someone actually stopped to check on or hit the stalled car, and 2 - Nobody in the #1 lane actually drove into the hole! I would have paid a dollar to see that! Ever since Sea World folded, there has been a surplus water world amusement ride equipment floating around eBay!!!! I think this one was called "Shamu's Revenge"