First of all, I want to thank all those people who helped me while I was trying to buy the car. Finally my husband and I picked the car this afternoon after drove 70miles one way. There are several dealerships near where we live, but they either don't have the car or can't give us a good deal. We actually got $500 discount off the package 4 sticker price. Anyhow, during the pick up, we tried our best to check the condition. I found a long line on the roof top(from head to tail). The sales told me it is not a scratch and he used his finger to wipe it, the line seemed gone. But I just found out in my garage light that it is really a very long and fine scratch. The sun was too bright this afternoon when we checked the car and it was hard to tell at that time. Actually the sales was a good guy and I don't think he was trying to fool me. So do we have to live with this scratch and pretend it is not there? any other choice? The dealer told me anything could happen on our way back home so they would not be responsible for any scratch after the pick up. But this scrach is a really straight fine line across the roof, It would be very hard for us to make a neat scratch like that without showing any other damages. I'm wondering it might be a manufacture defect and if Toyota warranty covers it? Sorry about the long vent, I'm just trying to see if anyone else can have any suggestion. I'll definately call the dealer on Monday. Thanks a lot. kiki
Well, yes the best thing is to call and ask about it. I had a out-of-place bumper clip that made a bulge in the bumper but they just took it off and put it back correctly and I was off. Or the time our Camry's window had a chip. They just kindly replaced the window. So they should be able to patch it rather quickly.
Re: Finally bought a seaside peal one this afternoon, BUT .. Hey Kiki; My friend from the Steel City! Congratulations on your car! First, take a breath and be assured that you will love this car...the scratch can be taken care of one way or another Second, I'm guessing you got it in I right? Third, wherever you got it, it sounds like a bit of a scam. "no,this is not a scratch...see? spit spit....oh, and please don't bring it back with a scratch" Fourth, whatever the dealer tells you, rest assured that they have the tools and the polish to buff and polish that scratch away....assuming you are willing to drive back to do it. It's not a big deal to make it almost unnoticeable. So...fifth....I would call them and tell them that the scratch that YOU CALLED THEIR ATTENTION TO is indeed a scratch...and that if they don't buff it away for you, YOU WILL PITCH AN ONLINE FIT LIKE THEY HAVE NEVER SEEN. I say this because the Morgantown dealers advertise online a lot, so an online hissy fit is not something they would like to see. It should be easy for them to fix. But really...take it for a drive tomorrow and enjoy it. You bought a great car.
Re: Finally bought a seaside peal one this afternoon, BUT .. I would call the sales person back and tell him that there is a scratch in the roof where you showed him. If it is that fine a scratch, they should be able to just rub it out. I had a Prius customer this week that had a fine scratch in their door from being keyed. It was not that deep and after the cleanup dept had rubbed it out, there was no trace to be found. So I would take the time to let them know about it, :wink:
Re: Finally bought a seaside peal one this afternoon, BUT .. Isabelle thanks for all the advice. I'll give them a call as soon as they opens on Monday. Actually I bought it at Indiana which is about 70 miles outside Pittsburgh. They seem to be resonable and honest. But people usually gain my trust very easily anywy. :lol: kiki
Hey Rick, for those fine scratches (cause I got keyed but that scratch is a bit deeper than my other fine scratches. Anyway back to the point) will waxing those spots do the trick?
I doubt just waxing will take out deep scratches, Tideland. To rub out the paint,you use a fine polishing compound that takes off a minute layer of paint basically.An electric polisher is used and if not done right, you will rub all the way to the primer! And if you try to do it by hand, you may put in more scatches or swirl marks leaving it looking worse. That is why I have never tried it and have used people that know how to rub out the finish do it. I may practice on my MR2 sometime this year. The finish is not as nice as my wifes Tahoe, which still looks like new and I don't want shot!
kiki_bos: Please try one thing for me first. When I got my new Prius it had a very long impossibly straight "scratch" down the side. The funny thing is I didn't notice it for 2 weeks, until the car was kind of coated with dust - then it was very noticeable. I was very upset, of course. The more I looked at it though, the more I couldn't believe how regular, straight, and uniform it was. Then I realized what it was... When the Prius was shipped, it was wrapped in some plastic coatings/coverings to protect it. When the dealer preps it, they remove this and the tape that holds it down and thoroughly clean the car - but not perfectly. What I was seeing, and what I suspect you are seeing is some residual adhesive from the seam of some tape-like substance. It all came off with some light rubbing and some water (I think) and I was MUCH relieved. Can you check to make 100% absolutely sure you can't remove it yourself first? It is like a very thin gummy substance. If the line is impossibly straight for a scratch, I would bet that's your culprit - not a scratch. I'm VERY interested to see if your line is the same as mine was.
canuckican, I'll definately try it out this weekend and let you know how it goes. Thanks for the information. kiki
Kiki_bos: It's been 10 days!!! What happened??? You can't just post questions/comments like this and not follow-up. You said you were going to call your dealer last Monday - did you? what did they say? Also, I'd like to know if my hunch was right or not.
Re: Finally bought a seaside peal one this afternoon, BUT .. I did call them and they said they can fix it if I could drive 6o miles to get there. Anyway, it is definately a scratch and not the protection tape. I'll drive there either tomorrow or on Saturday. Will le tyou guys know how it goes. kiki
Oh they finally fix it by sending it to a bodyshop. It is weird how the scratch got there. The deal was trying to buff it out but it didn't work. Anyway, it is a really nice and responsible dealship. My car is flawless again, yehhh. Happy driving. kiki
Re: Finally bought a seaside peal one this afternoon, BUT .. It's very nice to hear the dealer was responsible and they took care of the scratch. Doing things like that make them worthy of return business. And ya, I must say, Seaside Pearl is a wonderful color. (Especially now your scratch is gone. )