I did a search, but didn't really find a similar issue.... I used my front wipers the other day and noticed a sound coming from them (only while in use). It almost sounded like a branch was stuck under the blade. I checked and didn't see anything. My husband looked and decided it needed new blades. It sounded too loud and different to be coming from the blade but we tried it anyway. Replaced the blades and the sound is still there. It almost sounds like it is coming from the assembly of the right wiper. I called Toyota and asked (to see if this was going to be simple or not) and basically they had no clue, "time to bring it in". I just had gotten it back from the 20,000 mild check up and hate to have to be without it again so soon. It does look like I have to though! Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Well, maybe there is something stuck under the wiper mechanism. If you or your husband care to DIY, it would be necessary to remove the wiper arms (need 14 mm socket; tightening torque is 15 ft.-lb, note the two dots on the windshield that show where the wiper blade tips should be positioned), then remove the two plastic fasteners that are on the ends of the black plastic cowl covers. Carefully remove the rubber trim that runs along the leading edge of the cowl covers without breaking the blue plastic pins, then remove the covers and see what lies within.
When I had my 04, I had a similar problem. It was still under warranty so I took it to the dealer. They lubed the linkage, and that ended the noise. No problems after that.
Thanks for the replies. I went out to check it out further and turned it on to listen and see if I could pin point where the sound was coming from. After listening for a short while, it totally stopped! Thanks again, maybe it was something stuck under the assembly. It seems to be fine now.:cheer2: