Somebody backed into me as I was backing out of a parking spot yesterday. I made it about 2/3 of the way across the lane, then he pulled out. I stopped and sounded the horn, but it was too late and he hit me. So, now I have minor damage to the rear bumper on my '08 Barcelona red (5K miles). It's creased ever-so-slightly... the paint is not scratched, but it's no longer like-new. Any idea if this is a possible DIY fix, or what it would cost to get it repaired. I hate to bring the guy in for insurance, and possibly have to prove fault if we can settle privately.
The bumper cover isn't very expensive (less than $200) but it comes unpainted. I had mine replaced, together with the styrofoam bumper underneath ($80 I think), and with paint and labor, it cost just under $1000. The prices the Toyota dealer quoted me were 20% more than the cost to the autobody. I'm in Canada, I don't know how much less labor and parts costs are in the US. For a brand new car, I think its worth going through insurance. That's what we're all paying for.
At such a low speed, there probably isn't any aluminum bumper or frame damage to consider, but it may be worth having it checked out at a body shop just in case. My car was rear ended requiring the replacement of the bumper cover/foam, but there was some slight rear frame alignment and sheet metal work required as well as a tail lamp assembly. Things add up quickly when you dive deep. I second the idea to get insurance involved.
The quick repair is to pop off the bumper cover and lightly warm (don't bubble the paint) the rubber from the inside and then press out the crease. I had the dealer do this and repaint the bumper cover for $250, but that was on special that month. JeffD
Interesting, so this could be DIY with the hair dryer, or $1000 at a body shop. I think I'll ask the other guy for $500 and live with it. (I'm sure any minor nick such as this diminishes the resale at least that much, but I plan on keeping the car. If he doesn't want to pay I'll have his insurance fix it for me. Thanks
I just got a quote to fix my rear bumper and it was about $650. I have a brand new 2009 Magnetic Grey (don't even have the license plates yet!) and someone hit me from behind while I was stopped for traffic waiting to make a turn. My damage included a hole in the bumper and a long crack about 3/4 the length of the bumper. The quote includes a new bumper cover and absorber and labor to paint & replace. Hope that helps.
I doubt you'd get enough heat with a hair dryer to do the job. A heat gun would be better, but those can easily overheat the plastic. Having insurance handle the repair is a better idea. This avoids arguments if your original estimate is low, he pays that, and you find out it will cost more.