Greetings all, after unsuccesful search, I am wondering if the 2009 Prius is amenable to the EV switch mod? Any of you done it or know of "issues" Just got my new (first) 09 touring and find this idea intriguing... RE: the always on 12V plug, I have an '01 4runner that had a very easy mod to full time enable all 12 receptacles that involved simply jumping the relay in the engine comp fusebox- Haven't seen a Prius wiring schematic yet, but has anyone looked at this possibility? Thanks! BS
1) Yes, same technique as your extensive searches should have brought up for you for all the other '04+ years. 2) Power Outlet Mod
Thanks ef- I found the power mod- WAY more complicated that the 4runner... Didn't see the 04+ EV- thanks! BS