I still need more information (and a demo) before I am convinced of this technology. I pre-ordered a platnium package so I could get the radar and the LKA system. But.. how good will it work. especially at night, in the rain, what if the markings on the road are not clear enuff? I am worried that I will spend the extra money on these options, and the damn thing might never engage for one reason or another. Want to keep this at the top of the 2010 list to see if we can get more information as time goes on. Scott
If the markings aren't clear, it won't be able to tell because it uses a camera. Also, you shouldn't be using the cruise control in the rain anyway. However, I'm not entirely sure if it's tied to the radar cruise control or whether LKA will work even if cruise control isn't engaged.
Good question Tideland.. I wonder if they are independant of each other? and.. I assume by what you are saying "If the markings aren't clear, it won't be able to tell because it uses a camera." that it won't even engage because the camera will not be able to recognize the lane you are in? Scott
Someone else posted a link to the DENSO site. Might help a little. Here is the link to the LKA LKA site And here is one for the vision system Vision system link I still am confused on how much the system will correct the car in the lane VS. just giving some sort of warning buzzer that you are leaving the lane? Scott
Another good point. Snow, Rain, Fog, night, etc.. will be interesting to see how it effects the system. With all that.. might be only able to get the system to work like 30% of the time? Is it worth it? Scott
Where I live, no. Our roads are covered with snow for a significant part of the year. After the snow melts, the lines are worn away from the snow plows. Once everything is repainted the cycle begins anew. The other problem in this area is the lack of bigger roads. Our highways are two lane twisty things. I have to drive for an hour and a half to get to limited access highway. Tom
Mine too, on both counts. She has controlled epilepsy, hasn't had a seizure in 12 years but she won't use CC even if there is a licensed driver in the shotgun seat that could force neutral and pull it over if needed.
OK, now you got me scared. Saw a lady eating her breakfast yesterday - cereal, in a bowl, with a spoon. Which hand was on the steering wheel?? I've seen people reading novels. The girl with a cell phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I can only imagine how confident people like that will be with ACC and LKA.