While I'm getting slightly tired of the "where I last saw a Prius" postings, I was sufficiently charmed by this one that I couldn't resist: When I went to donate blood this morning, mine was the 3rd Prius in the parking lot out of ~30-40 cars. Of course, most of these cars must belong to employees, but it was touching nonetheless.
When I went to school the other day I saw three silver (counting mine) and one blue Prius--all in the same row of the parking lot. Two of the Priuses had faculty permits and two had student permits.
I think you were perfectly clear. It's just that your story reminded me of my story. There is a common element, after all, in that in both cases the location of a high concentration of Priuses was also likely to be a location where there is a high concentration of, shall we say, enlightened people.