I saw oil on the ticker at $38 yesterday...don't know how it closed. My point...regular gas went over $2.00/gal this week and seems to continue a steady climb. It was $1.49 just over 3 weeks ago when oil was $43/barrel. I've lost some faith in the supply/demand theories
What happened to your $20 by the end of February prediction? You've still got 2-1/2 weeks left. Wouldn't want to end up like the analyst who predicted $200/bbl. :redface: The only way it stays below $50 is with ongoing recession/depression and no major conflict. Since it is the interest of Russia, Iran, and other oil producers to boost prices with some unrest I wouldn't place any bets on it staying below $50. With prices where they are, the economic conditions in the oil producing states are precarious at best. Political upheaval is the most probable result...and this can result in conflict. At any rate, following the economic downturn I expect a run up in prices that will make the last one look mild. The drivers are stronger than when I predicted the same effect during the previous recession, and back then people scoffed at my expectations of $50/bbl. Now we feel fortunate to have oil that is below $50.
I may have overshot the $20/barrel, but there is still time as you say. I don't see any run up in the near future(3-6 months) or nid future(1-2 years) demand is falling steadily and the producers will get greedy and try to get more than their share.
I had to look that up, thought you were pulling my leg (As usual). Didn't know that Johanna Sigurdardottir was now PM. As long as she is competent and can pull Iceland out of the abyss, more power to her. I'm wishing her luck, she will NEED it
Given the sexual escapades of most politicians, I really don't think it matters, or is cause for concern, that Iceland has a gay PM. Yes, I'm thinking of former NY governor Eliot Spitzer. At the podium, his wife bravely standing beside the tool, I wondered why she didn't clobber him with a cast iron frying pan, on national live tv
It still might approach $20/bbl as it continues decreasing. According to an AP report, oil is at $34.90 which is down $1.61 since yesterday. Accordingly, retail gas prices reached a new high for 2009 on Thursday as they appear headed back to $2 a gallon as refiners cut back on production.
We could always do a scientific study, but given her, ah, well, persuasion, it could be met with some resistance. Tom
malorn, That $20/bbl by the end of February bet is looking somewhat less prescient than last year's analyst bet of $200 bbl. Oil closed at $44 and change today and we only have one more trading day left.