Since I first got my Prius I've had intermittent rattles. They apparently were coming from the door on the passenger's side. It sounded like something was loose inside there. The rattle was very quiet, and I only noticed it when moving very slowly, but it was driving me nuts. I'd take my car on ultra low-speed drives arount the parking lot, with me halfway leaned over into the passenger's seat in an effort to figure out what it was. I wonder what the neighbors thought. Finally, I pulled into a parking space, and tried opening and closing the passenger door. No rattle. In crouching over with my ear next to the door, I noticed the socket wrench set under the seat. I'd had it in my old truck and had transferred it the Prius at the dealership. I picked it up, and right away heard the familiar rattle. Just to be sure, I set it on the ground and went for another short drive, no more rattle! Problem solved. It was odd because it really sounded like it was coming from inside the door. Also, I'd never heard it in the pickup truck. The reason for that was obvious: my pickup didn't have a stealth mode.
Too bad there's no socket set in my dash to remove (last I knew). The rattle that seems to come from near the center speaker is back again after taking a multi-month vacation...
mikepaul, Hmm, I can't think of anything that could be loose back there as it's all tied down pretty well. Except, there is some play in the wiring harnesses going to the radio and maybe the MFD.... Did you have SAM installed in your car? Could something have been disturbed during that install?
It is very unusual to have a squeak/rattle/wind noise in a Prius. I was the first trained on the Prius when they came out and in all the ones we have serviced have I ever had to diagnose one with a noise. Toyota did very well when they built it. To bad the other models can't be that quiet,
It may be the mirror. I had a little rattle similar to what you describe. I finally traced it to the mirror. Readjusting the mirror just a tad fixed the problem. Once in a while it returns and I have to give the mirror a little touch to stop it.
Rick, Although I agree that Toyota makes quality automobiles, my Prius continues to rattle like crazy. Specifically, the rattling comes from the thin piece of plastic on top of the speedometer display. John1701a had the same rattling problem as well as other. I know that when I drive and extend my hand over this area and press down on this thin plastic piece the rattling goes away. Have you had experience with this rattle? and how did you fix it? Others that had the same rattling had the dealer practically take the upper dash apart to try and fix this rattling. I think Toyota made a design error with regards to this thin piece over the speedometer display. I love my Prius but the rattling just drives me crazy! Tony.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kidtwist\";p=\"81200)</div> Same sort of thing happened to me shortly after I got my Prius home. I kept hearing this really annoying rattle from the passenger's side (it was like owning a Ford). I checked all over the place and found nothing. The next day I noticed that I had closed the center console with one of the iPod's ear buds hanging out. It was rattling against the plastic of the console.
I, too, have the rattle in the speedo display. I've wedged a couple of 1 inch long pieces of surgical tubing between the display and upper dash piece, and it helped, but the rattle is still there unless the road surface is very smooth.
My rattle was the sterring ajust lever(tilt) it took ages to find, i just did it up tighter. no rattle
I agree with Texassalsa, Rick...I have several noises, creaks, squeaks which I have been unable to identify. I did ask the dealer to check one that is particularly loud, but the tech couldnt replicate it. This is really the only complaint I have with an otherwise sweet ride!
My rattle sounded llke it was coming from the right front wheel well area. Eventually, I discovered it was coming from the little plastic shelf inside the uppper glove compartment. I removed the shelf. Now I drive in blessed silence.
Maybe I was wrong in my opinion,guys/gals. I guess anything that is man made can have problems. Could be that my customers either don't notice the rattles or it doesn't bother them. Either way,I have yet to diagnose one, . Maybe I will listen closer in my test drives from now on, :roll:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bobc\";p=\"81326)</div> Nope, but the rattle decided to be quiet again. Perhaps it's coming up from the glove compartment, where I had to shuffle stuff around after replacing the A/C cabin filter. If it comes back, I'll reinvestigate...
Years ago I worked summers at a Ford assembly plant. Workers would put things like Coke bottles and such inside panels that were later sealed off. Worse thing I saw was a sandwich that must have smelled to high heaven by the time it got to the dealer.
I have a rattle in my right side dash by the little window. It goes away once it is over 60 outside, so I guess I have to wait until next winter to find it.
I heard a rattle the other day and since my car is only a little over 2 months old, I thought: "Oh great!" After listening carefully, I was pleased to find out it was my bottle of water in the cupholder!
I have a similar issue in mine - the plastic on the mirror creaks a bit occasionally and sounds like a rattle. If I squeeze the edges of the mirror, it stops for a while. I've been meaning to take it down and put a tiny bit of rubber cement on the seam to stop it, but I just havn't got around to it yet Dave