Has anyone done it with an unmodified Prius? The first to set the record will hold it forever for the Gen II Prius.
Kansas State Patrol says my 2004 can do 104mph (I apparently was not paying close attention, just trying to get out of Kansas). He wrote the ticket for 94 mph because it was Christmas Eve. I have found it to be a GREAT highway car.
2008 with 30,000 miles, I had a nice stretch of highway & decided to see for myself (a month or so ago). The vehicle accelerated quite well & at 100mph thought I see 115 to 120 tops. However, at 107 I felt the rev limiter (or similar device) kick in & it got to 108 mph & stayed. I drove appx 3 miles, car was stable & fine. I don't recommend it, but that's my experience.
I personally have had my 05 prius up to 106. Was going to an accident in which my wife was involved and had to get there fast.
European speedometers are subject to different regulation than the ones in the U.S. I'm not sure about your location, but I know some parts of Europe require speedometers to read a few percent fast. Tom
I dont know its max. speed, but personally I have reached 120 km/h in the highway. The limit is 100 km but usually police wont stop you unless you go faster than 120
On paper, base on the gearing and max. RPM for ICE and MGs, the Prius can do 110mph on a long-flat road with 0 head-wind resistance. Of course if you have down slopes in-between and some strong tail-wind to push, you can definitely go over the 110mph theoretical limit.
Heh, 109MPH, or at least that's what the officer said when they pulled me over, about the only upside was that the judge was amused. I think his comment was "What kind of Toyota was that?...A Tacoma or a Tundra...or.." When I said Prius, he started laughing and to this day, I'm convinced that saved me from a more harsh sentence.
Last summer, I swapped a slightly larger diameter tire pair from the rear to the front and found the car became slightly more stable. I attributed it to a little more gyroscopic force. Bob Wilson
I read Priuschat and sometimes I chuckle when I think back to my younger days. When I used to frequent Subaru and sportbike message forums, this type of thread would have a far different vibe