About 6 months ago my left tail light went out. For a while I could hit it to turn it mack on. This morning my right tal light was out. I hit it and it went back on again. I assume it is only a matter of time before it is completely dead. How easy is it to replace the tail lights. Should I but them from a dealer? Any other place that would carry these lights? Thanks in advance.
it takes less than a minute to replace them both, very easily accessible and you just remove and replace. they're under $5 at the advance auto parts down the road from me. i replaced both of them on my 05 not too long ago.
yep, that's where they are. it's very easy, iirc you just turn a little ways and the socket will pull out. but i wouldn't recommend replacing after a long drive when the bulbs are hot.
First you remove the front bumper cover, then remove all of the pieces from there until you get to the tail lights. Sorry, I couldn't resist. It often seems like cars are built that way. Tom
Oh yeah, the friction in the bulb can be tremendous, you can feel the heat in the lens of the light!! I have never heard of "bulb grease"?
I just replaced both of mine. $3.99 at AutoZone. Take the bulb in with your when buying (AutoZone's computer has the wrong size bulb listed). The markings are veeeeery faint on the base of the teensy blub. FYI: no bulb grease required, although I must admit the 1/4 turn cam was a bit sticky on both bulbs (it was a cold 15 degrees the day I had to change them).
yea i dont quite know what this stuff is...i'll probably return it. so i just went to replace my bulb and found to my surprise it didnt need replacement. Is this typical of a bulb that is on its death bed?
If you mean that the bulb is working intermittently, this could be caused by a broken filament that sometimes has the two broken ends laying on each other, completing the connection - and sometimes not. If in doubt I suggest that you replace the bulbs and be done with it, they are certainly cheap enough.
so i just went to replace my bulb and found to my surprise it didnt need replacement. Is this typical of a bulb that is on its death bed? ...yes that is a common occurance with a dying tail light bulb (common to all cars) due to the filament breaking but still touching the electrical contact intermittently. Time for new ones before someone back-ends you 'cause the bulbs are out at the wrong moment.
"Bulb grease" is silicone grease. It stops corrosion. It's a clear grease. It -could- weaken the plastic bulb socket. Silicone grease is known for that and it can also get on the reflector or lens, where it slightly clouds them. I wouldn't use it on a modern car with well sealed lamp assemblies. The bulbs could have oxidized contacts. Removing and replugging them will fix that. If there is -any- sign of corrosion (green or off white grunge) a good cleaning with a toothbrush is in order. Then find out how moisture is getting in there. The lamp assemblies are sealed.
How exactly did you decide the bulb "didn't need replacement". Did you actually put the old one back in? Yeesh! For $4 bucks, go ahead and change your bulbs and see if it fixes your problem. My guess is the filament has a small break (that you can't see) and is bouncing in and out of working position (aka death bed).
No, before I went to replace it I double-checked that it wasn't working. It was working. This was 2 days ago. I've been checking the light everytime i get in/out of my car and have not seen it out since.
Re: Tail lights on 05 vs 06 Can anyone tell if a 2006 rear tail light assembly can be used as a replacement on a 2005 Prius? They look identical...Thanks,
The 2004/2005 rear light assembly has a dark-shaded brake light lens while later models have a clear brake light lens. If you replace both the left and right side, no problem. If you just replace one side your car will look lopsided.