We are really interested in getting one of the 2010 Prius' when they are released. At the moment, we are on a lease with Honda that ends in early July. We're located in North NJ. We don't really know anything about the availability on the new Prius, except that it's supposed to be out in late Spring. We've also heard that there are usually long waiting lists for new Prius'. Does anyone have any advice on how we can go about getting a new Prius? Would it even be possible by early July? We would gladly wait a few months for the new Prius, if that's what it took, but unfortunately the lease on our only car is up in early July. We are afraid that the lease will end, and the new Prius won't be available to buy, and we will have to get the 2009 model. Any advice? Also, how do these waiting lists work? Do we just speak to any dealership? Is there any standardized method from Toyota on these waiting lists, or does it vary dealer to dealer? Thanks.
Find a dealer you trust and see if they have a wait list. Get on the list and hopefully a Prius will be there for you by the time your lease is up. If a Prius comes to soon for your lease situation, some dealers will give you first dibs when the lease is up. Wayne
Usually you will be asked for a $500 refundable deposit to show that you are serious. You'll probably be asked to express your preference for exterior/interior color and option package, and indicate three choices. Then your dealer will attempt to fulfill your preference and let you know when your car is available.
I am somewhat of a VIP with my local dealership. I contacted the man who sold me my 2005 Prius and told him I was interested in an up package 2010. He said he put me on the list and will call when the 2010 becomes available.
You should contact your local dealers and ask about their waiting list and how many people are already on that list. I've always dealt with the fleet department and was very happy when I asking about the 2010 list last July and found out that I was the first person that had inquired , so I'm on the top of their list. We have already agreed that the selling price will be straight list which is fine, asking for a discount on a new release generally doesnt work Hope this helps.
I would put myself on the waiting list too. But that doesn't mean that I'd pay a premium over MSRP or even MSRP. I feel very comfortable in predicting that the US and world economy will not have turned around by July. Even though it will have only been 2 or 3 months since the first deliveries of the 2010 Prius, I would be shocked if in early July, you could not get the 2010 Prius below MSRP.
If you ask to be wait-listed you might as well show up with a hook in your mouth :_> Wait for the car to be released here, then ask as many dealers as you care to consider to fax you their best out-the-door price for the car you want. It will be here before your lease ends. If not, rent a Fiesta for a few weeks.
One of our best dealerships in the area, Toyota Sunnyvale took $500 refundable deposits last summer for 2008's to be put on a waiting list. They were very professional in returning my $500 next day when another dealer delivered. Other dealers seem to sell on a first call, first served basis - you call an inside sales type, give preferences, they call you when a match is coming in. Fremont and Walnut Creek were like this. They did not use waiting lists.