No, my SUV takes Premium and it cost me $68 to fill it up too. Guess what's collecting cobwebs in my driveway lately? Dianne
I have a big Chevy Avalanche. Great for all the work we are doing on our house, but it kills me having to fill it up after 4 days of commuting. It gets 17 mpg, and I have a 40 mile commute each way. Soon (hopefully) she shall be used only for what she was bought for. Home Depot trips.
Prius Key chain arrived 3 weeks after making deposit on dealers list. Guess I am lucky to get it that quickly.....of course the car won't be here until the end of the
How in the heck do you guys get these key chains? I've had my 2004 Silver since the first of Feb and still haven't received one. Did however receive a plastic card that has a key thing on it and the dealer will take that and cut it to match the small key thats in the fob and I keep that in my wallet so I'll a emergency key to get into the car but that doesn't do me any good because I need the fob to start it.
I never got a keychain, though I did pick up my Prius a few days ago. My father, who didn't order one, ended up getting one. It looks like they might be sending the keychains out to (some) people who take test drives or express interest in the car. For the people complaining about the goo used to stick it to the card - a little Citra-Solve takes it right off.
I hear some people talkign about getting their key fobs. Will i recieve my KEY FOB in the mail before I actually get my car, or are these people talking about getting a key chain???
I am not talking about IN THIS foum though. I am talking about people in other topics who have been saying that they have gotten the KEYS TO THEIR CAR in the mail, such as in this forum topic: ???
Don't know what that post was actually saying. I know of no one who has gotten an actual key before they got the car.
Holy God! What do you drive?? I know it's worse in California, but you must be cruising in an 18-wheeler! WELCOME BACK!
GUESS WHAT.... Cleaning my garage enough to be able to put a car in, and putting that keyring on the floor WORKED. I came home to my hubby putting my new RED #9 away in its new home. His white #9 is parked in the other garage. :computer:
Ordered early March, received my keychain yesterday. Now I only have about 12 months to wait for the car. Will probably lose the keychain before that. Ray