The final report in a hybrid taxi pilot program that was conducted in Alberta, Canada. 1 Prius, 1 TCH and 3 FEH participated in the program and were compared to the Ford Crown Victoria. Hybrid Taxi Pilot Program Final Report
Great report! There are some good #s in there such as the 47 mpg on the Prius over 130,927 km (81,354 miles) and 200,000 km (124,274 miles) while still on the original brakes.
I found the report interesting in that it documents what many owners have experienced. One statement on page 23 (subject Maintenance Costs) got my attention: Apparently there is a footnote 10 that was not available to me. It would be interesting to know how Toyota justifies this statement. Roy
Hi Roy, That is a really old claim and certainly no longer is true. The original source came from according to page 25 of the document (which is really the 27th page out of 32). I've owned three Toyota hybrids and had the traction battery replaced under warranty for two out of the three: the 2001 Prius and the 2006 HiHy.
Does anyone know if Ford actually has the their own hybrid technology or is it toyota components installed in ford products?
Ford and Toyota have cross-licensed each other regarding the basic hybrid design used by both manufacturers. Toyota will say that its technology is a step above that used by Ford. I'm pretty sure that Ford is responsible for manufacturing its components.
Toyota's claim about not a single battery is replaced due to "wear and tear" is a very cleverly constructed statement. What it means no battery has report failure due to cycle life or lost of capacity under the warranty period and which excludes failures due to faulty cells or charging failures in such period.
Hi All, I saw an HCH Taxi yesterday in Chicagoland. First one. On the within waranty Battery failues - I thought Toyota said they had .003% failure rate on the Gen 2, and like 1 % on the Gen 1. For 1 million Prius worldwide, that is 30 battery failures.