I agree, you have to wait, drive it a bit, and see what it says to you! By the way, :welcome: There is a thread somewhere with all the names folks on here have given to their Prii. My car is red, and I had to wait almost 3 months for her to arrive, and the name just sort of came to me on the drive home from the dealership!
Thank you Freedom!! Mine has been picked up from San Antonio, TX yesterday, and expected to be delivered in Chicago on tuesday 02/10. I can't wait!! Hopefully the name will come as soon as I start driving it
Carmax just called.. my Prius is here!!! :cheer2: I will be driving around the whole weekend and I'm sure i will come up with a good name for her (yes, it's a she ). I'm so happy!! :car:
I was trying to come up with a name for my Prius that I bought back in November. I wanted a boy's name, because I'm a girl and it just seems more natural that way! Anyways, last night when I was doing the hour drive home from work it came to me...Preston! Yay!! By the way, I'm now averaging around 48 mpg...another yay!!
After 2 days of driving my new Prius, the name has been decided: Val!! There are 2 main reasons for this name. One is related to the "valkyries", mythological female warriors. The second reason is more personal. Val are the first 3 letters of my best friend's name, who prematurely died at the age of 31. That being said, I am so happy with my purchase. I just couldn't believe how great it feels to drive this awesome car! I yet have to discover all the little details, but I'm sure I will be enjoying doing so. I have already eliminated the reverse beeping thanks to the help of this forum! BTW, I found out I have a Touring edition package 6, not the regular one.. even better! :cheer2:
I did a regular christening. Well, not quite regular. Breaking the bottle of champagne was out, so I had the christener (the daughter of a real astronaut) smash a plastic cup of sparkling cider over the bow (less mess to clean up). Then played the theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.