Well, at least 10 of them [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpuEL9uV-64]YouTube - WORLD'S WORST DRIVERS (and onlookers!)[/ame]
Where does that pop-up road block thing come from? It really does look like an error trap for anyone who doesn't know ahead of time that it's there.
Automated bollocks are replacing the standard bollocks that we've know for years. Great for those with a driveway and are worried about car theft or, as shown here, stopping people from entering bus-only areas.
I thought a bollock was a bottom or bum. I think to is a pop-up bollard. Yep, used to restrict access.
The bollards are in Manchester UK. If you go to you tube and search you will find lots more. There is a really good one at Heathrow too where a breakdown truck doesn't allow for the bollards coming up behind him, in front of the one he is towing.