Being aware of GTcovers and Wet Okole and kinda too broke to pay that kind of money... I was browsing the net for some reasonably priced (ok, cheap) seat covers and happened across this page. Has anyone seen these, or had experience with these people before? I also noticed they have a fun little HSD logo keychain. :mrgreen: Any input would be appreciated. I wouldn't mind being the first to report on these guys and have no qualms sending a product back if it sucks (providing their return policy is decent)... but would rather know ahead of time if a vendor is bad. However it may take me some time... still waiting for tax refunds and a $1300 check from my financing company since I financed my vehicle tax and registration fees- and then had to come up with the money anyway and wait for rembursement...
I ordered front seat covers and the key ring through that website last year. The seat covers were actually shipped from GTCovers, and, as I recall, arrived a week or so after they were ordered. The only differences as far as I can see is that you don't get quite as much choice, and you don't get a tracking number for shipping. However the final result is the same. With respect to the keyring, I have now removed the HSD plate as the finish was being rubbed off.
Thanks Alster... but I got stuck with the tan interior so it wouldn't match. Hope you find someone whilling to buy.