WOW! Nice work Danny and the Mod's! The new site is clean, elegant and well thought out! :cheer2: Wildkow
I don't like it. I just wanted to be first to complain. Just kidding. I am actually pretty indifferent to cosmetic changes. It looks good, but mostly I am happy if the forum works. Tom
I hope to update the forums tonight. Right now the "new PriusChat" is just the front-end. Please post any further comments you have in this thread, please (that way I don't have to search everywhere to find them): And, oh yeah, thanks for the kind words I appreciate the feedback.
oic... ok was gonna say "i probably love the changes... that is if i could figure out what had changed!!" but i rarely see the homepage... only goto forums from link to email notifications... but i guess i take a look see... hope i can remember what the old homepage looked like!!
Thanks for the feedback. I've been working very hard on the new look. Really surprised, actually, at how little help I was getting from Danny and the other slackers. Oh wait, they already posted didn't they? (it was all Danny)
I haven't been here long enough to be tired of the old look. But the new look sure is nice. Good work!
Actually I see no difference, I come in at the forum recent post search page and only play in the forums so no difference yet for me. (I lied, I had a little look at the front page, it looks good.)
Normally, I stamp my little feet in anger whenever a website gets a new redesign (yes, I'm looking at you, Facebook), but I have to admit the new PCF site looks wonderful. Great job all around! Unfortunately, it's only the second best website redesign I've seen recently (the winner of that being
"Danny and the Mods", are they touring again? Their last CD sounded pretty much the same as the one before didn't it?