I'm not proud of this, but I just got my all-time worst tank. 27.8 MPG! How I did it: 1. It's been in the teens for most of the month, and got above freezing exactly once. 2. Most of my trips have been a little over a mile, with several stops within that mile (including one that usually lasts about four or five minutes). 3. A couple of times my girlfriend sat in the car with the heat running while I ran into a store for five minutes to get something. I am still consoling myself with the fact that any other car would have gotten even WORSE mileage.
I once filled my tank after only 150km. Of course I only had to put about 7 litres in but I was going on a trip. I have never had less kilometres between fills.
Our worst tank was just a couple of weeks ago - 38 mpg. What can I say - it was very cold for this part of Virginia (came darn close to negative temperatures, and I'm not talkin' windchill!), I didn't have the EBH plugged in each night, it seemed that we had more short trips with the Prius that week .... does it sound like I'm making excuses? I was initially disappointed in the mileage, but then I remembered that this worst tank with the Prius was SO much better than the best tank I ever had with the vehicle our Prius replaced!
Filled up a few days ago and got 35.3 (calculated). Cold weather, short trips and new Hydroedges. Hope the tires didn't have much to do with it.
I'm sure they did. It took 3-4k miles for my Hydroedges to break in. Also, check the pressures, if they're new they could be quite low. I run mine at 50psi and am sitting on 67mpg this tank. p.s. I haven't forgotten about you. I just had my surgery so I'm not supposed to drive for a while, but I think we can get together in the next 2 weeks and make our exchange.
Hi SteveO, I get mid 50's when the weather is in the teens here. So, that by itself is not it. I got lucky with some lights on the Wednesday drive home at about 18 F, and even did a 60 mpg 22 mile trip. Short trips is it. Even yesterday, driving back from the supermarket (1 mile), 23 mpg, and it was 45 F out, and the car was warmed up from the trip home. Engine starting temp was 60 C. One can see where the new 2010 Prius heat exhaust recovery is going to really improve the short-trippers fuel economy back up to something similar to the EPA combined.
I got it down to 36 but I was still surprised below -10 to 0F highs 15 minute drives with some waiting while the engine ran. But the grill block I believe made a big difference, and all with no ebh.
29mpg was my worse.. 2 tanks in a row while carrying a car packed full of camping gear... a rear bike hitch with two our of 4 bike slots filled.. with my brother and I... higher speeds from California to Colorado.. and back.. so.. 4 tanks...
36mpg. Calculated at the tank. And that was my first ever fillup in my brand new metallic grey. It was disappointing to say the least, until I came on the forums and read about the bladder. My second fillup was 46, so that soothed some of my fears.
My last (and worst) tank was 29.2mpg. Brutal single digit temps, butt deep snow and nothing but short trips. Plus, I run the recommended (by Toyota) tire pressure when the the roads are wet or snow/ice covered. Much better traction with the original tires that way. 29.2mpg doesn't make me feel bad because if I was driving my old car under similar conditions, I would have been lucky to hit 10mpg. Mike
any tank where all my trips are short and the temps are below freezing are around 30, sometimes high 20's. In winter, I'm pleased when I get 35+. On the other hand, by Honda Odyssey got 13 mpg when I filled up yesterday.
Well my Neon has been embarassing the brains out of my Prius. But then again it goes in the garage. But I have been averaging 38-44 mpg the past month in freezing temperatures. Its been doing okay. About 450-500 kms, but my 2002 Neon gets 550 kms each week too, and its the same size gas tank! Poor ol Prius is just super sensitive to the cold!
But as far as I can tell, my Classic seems to be doing much better than the Iconic! But then again, youi guys have a better winter car in every way. Classics are so helpless without snow tires. By buddy with a 2005 can drive quite well on the stock tires. I have Yokohama A633 Snow Tires and they made worlds of difference in grip, but no impact to Fuel Economy. In fact I am getting about the same as with my Khumo KR21 LRR tires!
When its cold (below 35f) I can barely hang on to 55-64mpg on my daily commutes. On very short trips, my mpg is around 25-35mpg.
I drove like a complete jerk for an entire tank in somewhat cold temperatures (30's-40's) and the stupid thing still didn't go below 45mpg. I'm cursed.
My best, worst and average (it is also my first and only so far) tank was 52.2 mpg based on pump and 51.7 from the MFD. Having realatively warm North Florida temps of 50°F to 60°F helps. Six pips left in tank number two...
Speak for yourself- it drives me nuts when I don't get the mpgs I hope for. I have an 80 mile RT commute to work, and this car is my savior. I had an all-time low while driving through Arkansas on a vacation. It was super windy, hitting the car pretty hard, and I hit 39 mpg. So sad. But usually it's been between 45-47 this winter. We'll see when it gets a little warmer. (Best has been 53.)
Big Red averaged 29 MPG on my trip to Florida and back last week. Of course, it was carrying two sea kayaks, a load of camping gear. We started the trip in 20-degree temperatures and since we were driving on 95 the speeds were in the high 70s. That is still better than I could do with another vehicle.