Unlike the petrol tank, you can see what the level is in the washer fluid. You only have to open the bonnet/hood. This should be a weekly checkup like tyre pressures, and when you're embarking on a long journey. (That said, I don't normally do either - I'm just saying what I should do.) My problem isn't running out - it's the concentration required to stop the stuff freezing (at the moment). Right now, there is not enough space in the reservoir to add more antifreeze after the dealer seems to have topped it up with a summer concentration in December!
The OP was asking about the 2010 Prius, which none of us have. This is an upcoming specifications question. Tom
There isn't one in the current Prius, that's why I'm asking if there's one in the new one You are correct. I do check all the regular things (tyre pressure, washer fluid, lights etc) before going on a road trip but for other days, I won't have time and esp. living up north where you spray the windshield every few mins because of all the crud (read light spray but laden with sand, dirt etc). Wiping without washer fluid will result in a streaked windshield and no better visibility.
Thanks a lot usb! hmm, dipstick... I wonder how that'll tell the level? The only thing I can think of is if the dipstick is white and the fluid is pink, then you'd check it like you check the oil dipstick. It is one way to reduce the cost (instead of a light bulb, transmitter, receiver and computer chip). Also, good point on the solar panels. How useful would that be to those of us in the north? Granted, there's a disable button but given that there is no light that I can see on the button itself, how do you know if it's engaged/disengaged and do you have to do it every time you park in the winter?
The dipstick has tiny Horizontal slots in it which hold the washer fluid. You will see fluid at the level in the reservoir, above the level will have dry slots.
I still think we don't know about traction control. She confirmed that traction control limits wheel spin, but that is almost the definition of traction control. We still don't know if it is less aggressive, provides differential braking, or simply the same as before. If Erica reads this, perhaps she can check for us. Tom